

Itoiz was the name of a Basque music band from the coastal towns of Mutriku and Ondarroa, put together in 1978 and disbanded in 1988. Born in turmoil times for the Basque Country (Spain), Itoiz derived from a dancing music band (ie playing other groups' songs) called Indar Trabes, which performed mainly in evening festivities of towns. Throughout their existence spanning ten years, Itoiz dealt with several styles ranging from folk to progressive rock to pop.


In 1978, the members of the band Indar Trabes prepare to release an LP for Durango's Basque book and music fair, including songs composed largely by frontman and central figure Juan Carlos Pérez. They coin another name for the group on the grounds that the previous name was associated to evening dancing performances. They chose Itoiz, because it is brief, not because of the famous valley of the same name in Navarre. [cite book | author = Eskisabel, Jon | year = 2005 | title = "ITOIZ, Hari xingle bat" | publisher = Gaztelupeko Hotsak | city: Soraluze | isbn = 84-933423-8-6 | pages = p. 51] This first album features intimate and whimsical lyrics, difficult to understand, wrapped up in progressive rock music.

During the next three years they went through various reshuffles in the line-up, and the music grew more complex and elaborated, but the symphonic sound remained till their 3rd album "Alkolea". In 1983 they launched the successful album "Musikaz blai", which gave up previous progressive and jazzy music patterns, switching to pop-rock along the lines of prevailing music trends. [cite web | url = | title = Review on "Musikaz blai" in Elkar's website | publisher = Elkar | accessdate = 2008-03-21] Juan Carlos Pérez explains, "We used a progressive rock rhythmic pattern to fashion songs, while [guitar player] Jean Marie Ecay brought in a new one, the one we called "Fleetwood Mac rhythm", a binary rhythmic pattern we didn't know before. He brought along the song concept too, of a three minute duration and a chorus. Up to that point, we made small conceptual pieces, songs with a long development." [cite book | author = Eskisabel, Jon | year = 2005 | title = "ITOIZ, Hari xingle bat" | publisher = Gaztelupeko Hotsak | city: Soraluze | isbn = 84-933423-8-6 | pages = p. 138] (translation)

Album "Espaloian" was released next in 1985 to critical and public acclaim, featuring such hits as "Clash eta Pistols", "Espaloian" and "Hegal egiten". Unexpectedly for frontman Pérez, this more natural album earned them numerous concerts and record turnouts. Despite the band's high in popularity, they came in for bitter criticism and had to put up with hostile attitudes on the part of other bands on the rise in the Basque Country in the middle 80s as well as their public. These bands stood for the punk and rebellious music movement gaining momentum at the time (Kortatu, Hertzainak, etc.) with which they often had to share the bill. "For the bands of the RRV [Basque rebellious music] , we represented the establishment's demands, commercialism, we were politically correct. The situation was really uneasy. We had to face up to the people's attacks." [cite book | author = Eskisabel, Jon | year = 2005 | title = "ITOIZ, Hari xingle bat" | publisher = Gaztelupeko Hotsak | city: Soraluze | isbn = 84-933423-8-6 | pages = p. 156] (translation)

Another powerful LP followed, "Ambulance" (1987), [cite web | url =| title = Review on "Ambulance" in Elkar's website | publisher = Elkar | accessdate = 2008-03-21] but by that year Jean Marie Ecay had quitt the group (1984) onto another bigger Spanish band, J.C. Pérez is all alone in charge of the whole artistic production and atmosphere within the band is not good, Pérez is tired, so he finally decides to break up elegantly the band with a last live album.


The original line-up inherited from the band Indar Trabes went through various changes, and parentheses took place too, like when the band was all but broken up prior to the release of "Ezekiel", members joined the band and old members quit. Accordingly, the band's music expertise and exigence in performance improved gradually. Some members worth highlighting:

* Juan Carlos Pérez: Guitar and voice
* Foisis (José Gárate): Bass guitar
* Jose A. Fernández: Piano and keyboards (till 1985)
* Estanis Osinalde: Drums (till 1979)
* Joseba Erkiaga: Flute (till 1982)
* German Ors: Guitar (1981-1983)
* Jimmi Arrabit: Drums (as of 1982)
* Jean-Marie Ecay: Guitar (1983-1985)
* Xabi Pery: Guitar (1987-1988)


* "Itoiz" (1978): Contains some tracks that have struck a chord in Basque music, such as romantic "Lau Teilatu" (four roofs), elected by popular vote in the 2000s best Basque song ever; poignant "Hilzori I" and "Hilzori II", poetic "Astelehen urdin batean"; etc.
* "Ezekiel" (1980): A totally conceptual work developed around the axis of prophet Ezekiel; allegoric, almost religious, featuring a chilling children chorus line.
* "Alkolea" (1982): The sound remains characteristic Itoiz sound. Song "Marilyn" is its catchiest attraction.
* "Musikaz blai" (1983): A full-fledged pop album with elaborate, landmark tracks like "As noites da Radio Lisboa" or "To Alice", alongside catchy "Marea gora".
* "Espaloian" (1985): Confirms Itoiz's know-how and craft with such abiding songs as "Hegal egiten", "Clash eta Pistols", etc.
* "Ambulance" (1987): Rockier sound, dirtier; "Ambulance" or "Non nagoen" should be highlighted.
* "Eremuko dunen atzetik dabil..." (1988). Final live album.
* "Itoiz 1978-1988" (2000). A compilation comprising all the albums in Itoiz's history, as well as a booklet describing the band's history.


External links

* [ Review on Itoiz from a progressive rock standpoint]
* [ Review on Basque progressive music]

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