

The Ledava is the largest river of Goričko, northeastern Slovenia, and the largest tributary of Drava in Slovenia. The river is 68 km in length but including minor tributaries extends some 76 km. It originates in Austria as "Lendva Bach" and first flows southeast. It enters Slovenia near "Kugla", the highest peak of Prekmurje (418 m) and flows south as "Ledava". In this part of its course it forms the only gorge in Goričko. In the village Ropoča it flows into the artificial Ledava Lake that distinguishes itself by a variety of bird species, a variety of dragonflies and the most preserved otter population in Slovenia. Ledava is the only outflow from the lake. In its lower course the river flows through Murska Sobota and Lendava. It has several (mainly left) tributaries in this part, the largest of them being Velika Krka. Finally it joins the Mura river.

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