List of fictional United States Presidents U-Z

List of fictional United States Presidents U-Z

The following is a list of fictional United States presidents, U through Z.


President Nigel Uno
* President in: ""- "Operation: W.H.I.T.E.-H.O.U.S.E." episode
* Played by: Benjamin Diskin


President Margaret Valentine
* President in: ""
* When a plague kills all males, Secretary of Agriculture Valentine is the highest survivor on the chain of succession.
*Based on Ann Veneman

President Rudolfo Valenzuela
* President in: "The General's President" by John Dalmas
* Parents emigrated from Cuba to Puerto Rico
* Dean of International Relations at the University of Miami
* Appointed Secretary of State by President Arne Haugen, later named Vice President.
* Becomes President upon Haugen's resignation, becoming both the first black and Hispanic President.

President Hallux Valgus
* President in: "Et Tu, Babe" by Mark Leyner
* The 82nd President of the United States, Valgus had the distinction of being the first U.S. president who had no gastrointestinal tract, having to survive via symbiotic bacteria in his torso which transformed airborne toxins into carbohydrates and protein. He also wore a spandex unitard.

President Josephine Vannebuker-Brown
* President in: "Alas, Babylon" by Pat Frank
* Served as Secretary of Health, Education & Welfare
* She is the highest survivor in the chain of succession after a nuclear war.

President Philip Nolan Voight
* President in: Marvel Comics's "New Universe"
* Voight was elected in 1988 after telepathically influencing voters. He had the paranormal ability to mimic and outdo any other paranormal ability.
* Vice-president was Michael Dukakis


President Jefferson Lee Wainwright
* President in "A War of Shadows" by Jack Chalker
* Imposes Martial Law after multiple outbreaks of a plague cause a variety of brain disfunctions.
* Part of a conspiracy to sieze power and impose elitist values
* After being found out by an FBI investigator, agrees to end the emergency and retire.

Acting President Glen Allen Walken
* President in: "The West Wing" (TV series)
* Played by: John Goodman
* Born in Liberty, Missouri, Walken is a Vietnam veteran, is possibly married, has a dog named Bess and is "one prime rib dinner away from sudden cardiac arrest."
* Walken was Speaker of the House and became acting President on May 8, 2003 during a national emergency involving Zoey Bartlet (the position of Vice President had just been left vacant). President Bartlet invokes the 25th Amendment and temporarily resigns and assumes the presidency again on May 11, 2003.
* He attempted to gain his party's nomination for the presidency in 2006; despite winning the Iowa caucus, Walken lost the nomination to Senator Arnold Vinick of California.
* An opponent to the Bartlet administration, Walken is a Republican.

President Dean Cooper Wallace
* President in: Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt novels "Flood Tide" and "Atlantis Found"
* In office from 2000 to 2005. In "Flood Tide" it is revealed he has certain less-than-ethical connections to Chinese interests.

President Garner Ward
* President in: Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt novels "Trojan Odyssey" and "Black Wind".
* Described as resembling Theodore Roosevelt in appearance and manner. President Ward asked Admiral Sandecker to take the Vice Presidency after his original Vice President was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

President Graveney Westwood
* President in: Spy High
* He was the key supporter of the Guardian Star as part of the American Earth Protection Initiative. (The Paranoia Plot)
* Opposed by several peace organisations and a Capitol Hill politician Senator Al Nathanson. (The Paranoia Plot)
* He was the victim of a failed assassination attempt by the Judson Siblings (Angel Blue)
* In office 2064 -

President Westwood
* President in: "Stealth Fighter"
* President Westwood orders a covert war against Nicaraguan drug lords and mercenaries.
* Played by: Ernie Hudson

President Burton K. Wheeler
*President in The Divide, a 1980 alternate history novel by William Overgard.
*After the Nazis force the surrender of Britain and France in 1940, Wheeler defeats President Franklin Roosevelt on a pledge to keep America out of war.
*After Germany has overrun all of Russia, both Germany and Japan attack and invade the United States in 1941.
*President Wheeler surrenders the United States to the Axis after a devastating bombardment of missiles from occupied Canada.
*The Surrender takes place on April 20, 1948, Adolf Hitler's fifty ninth birthday.
*President Wheeler, Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall, and other U.S. Government officials are executed by garrote in a meat packing plant outside of Washington D.C. after being found guilty of war crimes.
*Party: Isolationist Party

President Wheeler
* President in: "The General's President" by "John Dalmas"
* Elected at some time after Ronald Reagan
* Signed a Treaty with the Soviet Union regarding the use of Scalar Resonance weapons
* Former Professional Football Player
* Died in office of a Coronary

President George White
* President in: The Kid Who Ran For President
* Served from: 1997-2001
* Created by: Dan Gutman
* Party Affiliation: Republican

President Thomas J. Whitmore
* President in: "Independence Day"
* Whitmore fought in Operation Desert Storm as a fighter pilot. He is married to Marilyn Whitmore and has one daughter, Patricia. As president, he was criticized by political pundits in Washington for his inexperience in politics as well as his youth. "The Orange County Register" named President Whitmore one of the sexiest men of the year on July 2, the day the aliens arrived on Earth.
* Before the alien invasion, Whitmore's approval rating slipped below forty percent.
* Whitmore personally led surviving Earth resistance military forces into battle against alien invasion/occupation forces after the death of his wife.
* Presumably Republican
* Played by: Bill Pullman

President Widmark
* President in: "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension"
* Widmark is confined, either temporarily or permanently, to a specially made hospital bed due to an undisclosed back ailment. In early versions of the script, he is confined there due to mental instability. His advisors include General Catburd of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of Defense McKinley, Senator Cunningham, and National Security Advisor Smirnoff.
* Declares war on the Soviet Union by signing the "Short Form" of the Declaration of War, under pressure from the Black Lectroids. Presumably rescinds the declaration after Dr. Buckaroo Banzai defeats the Red Lectroids, ending the confrontation.
* Quote: "Buckaroo, I don't know what to say...Lectroids? Planet 10? Nuclear extortion? A girl named John?"
* Played by: Ronald Lacey

President Joseph Wilson
* President in: ""
* Played by: Gregory Lehane

President Michael Wilson
* President in "Metal Wolf Chaos" (video game, 2004)
* In the near future, Michael Wilson, the 47th President of the United States, needs to use the giant mech, "Metal Wolf", in order to free America from the evil coup d'etat forces of Vice-President Richard Hawk.
* Quote: "Nothing is pointless! And that's because... I'm the President of these great United States of America!"

President Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip
* President in: "It Can't Happen Here" (1935) by Sinclair Lewis
* Fascist Senator who wins the 1936 Presidential election.
* Ousted by Secretary of State Lee Sarason, who was the behind-the-scenes powerbroker for Windrip even before Windrip became a Senator.

President Hugo Allen Winkler
* President in: "The Tercentenary Incident" by Isaac Asimov
* 57th president. He was assassinated on 4 July 2076 and replaced with a robot impostor who continued to run the country undetected.

President John P. Wintergreen
* President in: "Of Thee I Sing" by George and Ira Gershwin
* Runs for president on a platform of "Love is sweeping the country." Publicizes his campaign by promising to marry the winner of a beauty contest, but instead falls in love with and marries a secretary, Mary Turner.

President Elect Arthur Coleman Winters
* President in: Episode "The Sound of Drums" on BBC's Doctor Who
* Designated as UN representative during first contact with the Toclafane. He is assassinated by the Toclafane on orders of fictional British Prime Minister Harold Saxon, who was actually a character called "the Master."
* Played by: Colin Stinton

President John Winthrop
* President (Elected 1970) in the 1939 Robert A. Heinlein novel "For Us, the Living".


President Kenneth Yamaoka
* President in: "" (manga) by Kaiji Kawaguchi
* Yamaoka is the 43rd President and is the first Asian-American president (third generation Japanese-American). He previously served in the military in Japan and in the Vietnam war and was the Democratic senator from New York. Yamaoka is married to wife Patricia with son Alex, daughter Rachel and an illegitimate son, Takashi Jo.
* Party: Democratic

;President Anton York
* President in a Gold Key "Star Trek" comic #9, "The Legacy of Lazarus"
* Mentioned to be the 45th president.
* A possible homage to the "Anton York, Immortal" stories by Earl and Otto Binder.

President Augustus Alvin York
* President in: "The Zero Factor", a 1980 novel by William Oscar Johnson
* York is nominated in Chicago as the Republican candidate for president when the convention for the 1980 election is hopelessly deadlocked with Ronald Reagan and other nominees. After dozens of ballots, York is a compromise/sacrificial nomination.
* To everyone's surprise, York wins the 1980 election, but then becomes rather obsessed with the "Zero Factor" for presidents. All presidents elected in a year ending in Zero since 1840 have died in office. York fears he will be next in 1980.
* After multiple attempts on his life, York begins to suffer severe stress, and finally finds the freedom from the Zero Factor by resigning office and turning the Presidency over to his former Vice-President, Browning Dayton.
* Party: Republican

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