Karel Hlaváček

Karel Hlaváček

Karel Hlaváček (August 24 1874, PragueJune 15 1898, Prague) was Czech Symbolist and Decadent poet and artist.

He published his poetical works and his art criticisms in journal "Moderní revue" ("Modern review"). He was not so successful during his life, he was the founder member and the first president of Sokol in Libeň. He died of tuberculosis.


His work is typical for great musicalness.
*"Sokolské sonety" ("Sonnets of falcon" or "Sonnets of Sokol") - his first book, it is not very important
*"Pozdě k ránu" ("Late before morning") - the typical book of Czech Symbolism, there are typical musicalness, unusual rhymes, poems are melancholical and sad
*"Mstivá kantiléna" ("Vindicative cantilene") - the most important work, Decadent book, the poetical interpretation of Geuzen, it describes their despair
*Žalmy ("Psalms") - unfinished book, the collection of hymnical poems, stylised as biblical Psalms

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