Siba Shakib

Siba Shakib

Siba Shakib is an Iranian/German filmmaker, writer and political activist. She was born and raised in Tehran, Iran. Her international bestseller "Afghanistan, Where God Only Comes to Weep" has been translated into 27 languages and won a P.E.N. prize.


Before writing her first novel, Shakib was a music journalist and a radio presenter. She also interviewed many musicians for television, including Miles Davis, Mick Jagger and Tina Turner. She often offered her own political observation and commentary during these interviews which led to her current political television shows for a young audience.

Later when she moved on to do films and documentaries her work reflected the social and economical situation of needy people around the world.

Since the early nineties, Shakib has mostly worked in two countries: Iran, where she was born and raised, and neighbouring Afghanistan. Her film "A Flower for the Women of Kabul" received a German Human Rights film prize on the 50th anniversary of the UN Human Rights declaration.

Shakib used some of the royalties from her films and books to help build a woman’s centre in Kabul.

She was finalizing her first book "Afghanistan, Where God Only Comes to Weep" in her home in New York when terrorists attacked the World Trade Center. For a week Shakib supported the staff of the ARD, German Television in New York by reporting about the attacks.

At the beginning of 2002, the German ministry of Defence benefited from Shakib's insight and knowledge about Afghanistan and searched her input and collaboration as an advisor for their peace troops, ISAF in Afghanistan. Later her activity was extended to supporting and advising the NATO troops in theatre.

"Afghanistan, Where God Only Comes to Weep" has been translated into 27 languages and Shakib has received numerous recognitions and prizes for it. Art works, aid organisations, water-wells and kindergartens have been named after Shirin-Gol and other heroes of her books.fact|date=March 2008

Future projects

Siba Shakib is currently working on two new book projects, a novel on Iran and its petroleum and the story of a young Iranian boy, who is losing himself only to create a new identity as an attractive and cherished woman.

She is also working on the adaptation of her second international bestseller "Samira and Samir" into a feature film. She has received grants and support from the German Filmstiftung NRW toward this end. Shakib has written the script and she will also direct the movie herself.

Currently she lives in New York, Italy and Dubai.



*"Samira and Samir" (2005), Arrow Books Ltd, ISBN 978-0099466444
*"Afghanistan, Where God Only Comes to Weep" (2002) Century, ISBN 978-0712623391


*"A Flower for the Women in Kabul - 50 years UN" (1998), director, (won first human rights film prize)
*"Alone in Afghanistan - the story of a nurse and her hospital" (1997) director
*"And Hope Remains: the story of a child soldier" (1996), director and script
*"Tonino the Camora" (1995), director
*"Shoes - a little psychology" (1992), director
*"Iran - 10 year post Revolution" (1989), director
*"Mahmoudy versus Mahmoody", director

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