- Green Party of Alberta candidates, 2004 provincial election
The Green Party of Alberta ran 49 candidates in the 2004 provincial election. Some of these candidates have separate biography pages; relevant information about other candidates may be found here.
The candidates are listed by city/region and riding name.
Grant Neufeld (Calgary Buffalo )Current president of the Green Party of Alberta.
Received 656 votes in 2004, finishing third in a field of seven candidates.
Kim Warnke (
Calgary Currie )Received 810 votes in 2004, finishing third in a field of five candidates.
=George Read (Calgary Egmont )=Current leader of the Green Party of Alberta.
Received 914 votes in 2004, finishing fourth in a field of five candidates.
Allison Roth (
Calgary Elbow )Current Communications Director of the Green Party of Alberta.
Received 666 votes in 2004, finishing third in a field of seven candidates.
Mark MacGillivray (
Calgary Mountain View )Current Membership Director of the Green Party of Alberta.
Received 912 votes in 2004, finishing third in a field of five candidates.
usan Stratton (
Calgary North Hill )Current Deputy Leader of the Green Party of Alberta.
Received 1264 votes in 2004, finishing third in a field of five candidates.
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