Doosan Construction & Engineering

Doosan Construction & Engineering

Doosan Engineering & Construction is a South Korean company and a part of the chaebol Doosan Group. They specialize in building infrastructure such as bridges, highways and high-speed railways. More recently, Engineering & Construction has tried to branch out to overseas markets, completing projects for international airports, cement and steel factories, crude oil processing facilities, transportation facilities, and waste water treatment facilities. Doosan Engineering & Construction also has constructed complex thermal plants, multiple environmental projects and food and beverage plants.[citation needed]

Specific construction projects

  • Architecture and Housing
    • Doosan We’ve Apartment, throughout Korea
    • Elsams hotel, Egypt
    • Cairo Sheraton hotel, Egypt
    • Swiss Grand Hotel, Seoul, South Korea
    • Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Seoul, South Korea
  • Plants
    • Cement factory, Alexandria, Egypt
    • Rolling mill, Hadisolb, Egypt
    • Crude oil processing facility, Khalda, Egypt
    • Crude oil processing facility, Las Shukheir, Egypt
    • 14 inch Methanol Transportation Pipeline, Saudi Arabia


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