- Grand National Night
"Grand National Night" is a 1953 UK Crime Thriller brought to the screen by George Minter under the production of Phil C. Samuel from a play by Campbell and
Dorothy Christie . It was directed byBob McNaught and starredNigel Patrick ,Moira Lister andBeatrice Campbell (Patricks' wife) with support fromMichael Hordern ,Noel Purcell and a cameo role fromColin Gordon . Cinematography was byJack Asher . Previous to this film version Grand National Night had been presented as a BBC Radio serial as well as a stage play. [ [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048132/ Grand National Night (1953) ] ]Plot
Racehorse Trainer Gerald Coates (
Nigel Patrick ) kills his wife Babs (Moira Lister ) during an argument. [ [http://movies.nytimes.com/movie/93668/Grand-National-Night/overview Grand National Night - Trailer - Cast - Showtimes - The New York Times ] ]Notes
External links
*imdb title|0048132
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.