Incentive Mentoring Program

Incentive Mentoring Program

Infobox Education in the United States
name= Incentive Mentoring Program

imagesize= 300px
motto= Mentors and students develop teamwork and problem-solving skills on a Challenging Outdoor Physical Experience (COPE) course
streetaddress= PO Box 1584
city= Baltimore
state= MD, 21203

The Incentive Mentoring Program or IMP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was originally founded by Sarah and Ryan Hemminger as a partnership between students at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Paul Laurence Dunbar High School (Baltimore, Maryland). The goal of IMP is to transform teenagers who are failing high school into Baltimore City's most valuable role models. IMP extends a school-based tutoring program to the home, providing both academic and social support to youth struggling with poverty, drugs, and violence. Mentoring teams, called "IMP Families" not only support teenagers in overcoming their own adversity, but also encourage them to help others do the same. Although only 38.5% of Baltimore City children will receive a high school diploma [Citation| last =Toppo| first =Greg| title =Big-City Schools Struggle with Graduation Rates| journal =USA Today| date = 20 June| year =2007|url=] , IMP students have achieved a 100% graduation [Citation| last =Grienzi| first =Greg| title =A Remarkable Partnership Sets High-Schoolers on New Path| journal =The JHU Gazette| date = 11 June| year =2007|url=] and 100% college enrollment rate. [cite web|url =|title = IMP Alumni & Quotes|accessdate = 2008-03-20|publisher =Incentive Mentoring Program, Inc.]

Target Participants

IMP's philosophy is that its mentors should learn just as much from the high-schoolers as these teenagers learn from them.


High School freshman who have failed at least 50% of their courses and face one of the following psychosocial challenges are selected to join IMP and receive support through college graduation.

  • School Suspension
  • Substance Abuse
  • Gang Violence
  • Sexual Assault
  • Poverty
  • Temporary Homelessness
  • Burdensome Financial Obligation to Household
  • Learning Disability
  • Depression
  • Incarcerated Parent

    Health Professionals in Training

    IMP's mentors are medical, public health, and nursing students who personally witness the challenges teenagers face. These future health professionals develop experience with urban health issues and promoting behavior change.

    Mentoring Model

    IMP has a "family style" mentoring, in which a team of 5-6 mentors is matched with each child and is responsible for adapting to his/her unique needs.IMP Families coach life skills through activities based on 3 elements: academic assistance, community service, and team-building. As needed, these teams connect students and their families with rehabilitation and other social services. This model was designed to meet the comprehensive needs of the students without overburdening volunteers. [cite web|url =|title = Meet the IMP Family|accessdate = 2008-03-20|publisher =Incentive Mentoring Program, Inc.]

    Academic Assistance

    Mentors serve as tutors, advocates, and counselors for students. Johns Hopkins graduate students hold 1-on-1 after-school tutoring sessions twice weekly. Volunteers also coach organizational skills, seek regular feedback from teachers, and navigate the college application and financial aid processes.

    Community Service

    At first, the primary concern of many IMP students is self-preservation. Their perspectives shift when they are put in the position of giving to others. IMP Alumni say that participating in service projects gave them a sense of purpose and hope for the future. [cite web|url =|title = IMP Alumni & Quotes|accessdate = 2008-03-20|publisher =Incentive Mentoring Program, Inc.]


    IMP encourages students to rely on each other as well as their network of mentors. Field trips such as camping and high-ropes courses are designed to develop trust, communication skills, and problem solving ability.

    Community Service Awards

    IMP has received service awards from both local and national organizations.

  • Echoing Green Fellowship Semifinalist 2008 [cite web|url =|title = Recognition and Awards|accessdate = 2008-03-20|publisher =Incentive Mentoring Program, Inc.]
  • Baltimore Albert Schweitzer Fellowship 2004,2005,2006,2008 [cite web|url =|title = Fellows & Projects|accessdate = 2008-03-20|publisher =Albert Schweitzer Fellowship, Inc.]
  • SOURCE School of Medicine Individual Community Service Award presented to mentors in 2005, 2007 [cite web|url =|title = Straight from the SOURCE|accessdate = 2008-03-20|publisher =Student OUtreach Resource CEnter]
  • Martin Luther King Junior Community Service Award 2006 [Citation| last =Grienzi| first =Greg| title =James Early Jones to Lead MLK Tribute| journal =The JHU Gazette| date = 9 January| year =2006|url=]
  • Boy Scouts of America Scoutreach Whitney M Young Jr. National Service Award [Citation| last =| first =| title =Partnership Spotlight: Dunbar Mentoring Project| journal =Schools Monthly| date = 1 January 2008| year =2008|page=21|url=]
  • Spirit of Scouting Leadership Award 2007 [Citation| last =| first =| title =Partnership Spotlight: Dunbar Mentoring Project| journal =Schools Monthly| date = 1 January 2008| year =2008|page=21|url=]

    Community Service Partnerships

    IMP mentors and students participate side-by-side in monthly community service projects benefiting organizations throughout Maryland. [cite web|url =
    title = Partners|accessdate = 2008-03-20|publisher =Incentive Mentoring Program, Inc.

  • Police Athletic League
  • [ Maryland Food Bank]
  • [ New Life for Girls]
  • [ The Club at Collington Square Middle School]
  • [ Bluford Drew Jemison Academy]
  • [ St. Francis Academy Community Center]
  • [ Johns Hopkins SOURCE (Student OUtreach Resource CEnter)]


    External links

    * [ Incentive Mentoring Program]

  • Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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