List of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray characters

List of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray characters

This is a list of fictional characters from the "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray" and "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Astray" manga of the "Gundam" metaseries.

* [GSA] - "Gundam SEED Astray"
* [GSDA] - "Gundam SEED Destiny Astray"

Three Ships Alliance

Crew of the Archangel

*Kojiro Murdoch [GS/GSA/GSD] – anime voices|Toshihiko Nakajima|Ward Perry:Ex-Earth Alliance, Natural; "Archangel"'s original crew member. He is the chief engineer of the Earth Alliance "Archangel". He is a father figure to the young crew of the "Archangel", and aside from his gruff appearance, he learns to laugh it off. He is also fond of making puns now and then to relieve the pressure of working onboard the ship. He is protective of the equipment on board the "Archangel" (especially the Skygraspers), and has repeatedly expressed unwillingness to let unexperienced personnel (Tolle Koenig or Cagalli Yula Athha) near them. In the Second Bloody Valentine War, he returns to the "Archangel" to assume his former position.

*nihongo|Kira Yamato|キラ・ヤマト|Kira Yamato [GS/GSA/GSD]

Crew of the Eternal

*nihongo|Lacus Clyne|ラクス・クライン|Rakusu Kurain [GS/GSA/GSD]

*nihongo|Martin DaCosta|マーチン・ダコス| [GS/GSA/GSD]

*nihongo|Andrew Waltfeld|アンドリュー・バルトフェルド|Andoryū Barutoferudo [GS/GSA/GSD]

Crew of the Kusanagi

*nihongo|Cagalli Yula Athha|カガリ・ユラ・アスハ|Kagari Yura Asuha [GS/GSA/GSD]

*Asagi Caldwell [GS/GSA] – anime voices|Sachi Matsumoto|Jocelyne Loewen:Ex-Orb, Natural; head of the M1 Astray squad on the "Kusanagi", one of three test pilots of the Natural OS and the M1 Astray itself; killed on September 26, CE 71.

*Ledonir Kisaka [GS/GSA/GSD] – anime voices|Isshin Chiba|Adam Henderson:Orb, Natural; Cagalli's guardian during her time with Desert Dawn, officer within the Orb military, and co-captain of the "Kusanagi". In the Second Bloody Valentine War he is seen in an Earth Alliance uniform leading a group of defected Earth Alliance soldiers after Gilbert Durandal's speech against Logos. Shortly after, he rescues Athrun Zala and Meyrin Hawke who were shot down in their escape from ZAFT and turns them over to "Archangel" for medical treatment; pilots Waltfeld's old red/gold color MVF-M11C Murasame during ZAFT's invasion of Orb; remains behind in Orb with Cagalli after the "Archangel" heads to space.

*Mayura Labatt [GS/GSA] – anime voices|Masayo Kurata|Rebecca Shoichet:Ex-Orb, Natural; third in command of Asagi's M1 Astray squad; killed when engaging an enemy ZGMF-600 GuAIZ on September 26, CE 71.


*nihongo|Jean Carry|ジャン・キャリー|Jan Kyarī [GSA]

*Barry Ho [GSDA] :Ex-Orb, Natural; an Orb ace pilot and protector of the Orb vessel Kusanagi, pilots a MBF-M1A Astray; a skilled pilot and martial arts master with the nickname "God of Fist" (though he is an atheist, with the word "Godless" painted on his M1A Astray), he is extremely shy with women. Apparently after the Second Battle of Jachin Due he leaves the Kusanagi. He reappears in the Amazon Forest, where he saves Junk Guild personnel Yoon Sefan from Courtney Hieronimus and the ZGMF-X999A ZAKU Trial Type. He later assists the U.S.S.A. in their fight against the Atlantic Federation forces.

*Edward Harrelson [GSA/GSDA]

*Jane Houston [GSA/GSDA] :Natural; Earth Alliance Ensign, and underwater ace pilot, pilots a prototype GAT-X255 Forbidden Blue and a GAT-706S Deep Forbidden mass production amphibious mobile suit; nicknamed "White Whale" by ZAFT pilots for her underwater prowess; former lover of Edward Harrelson. Fights against Ed during the U.S.S.A. War for Independence, but later joins his cause.

*Rena Imelia [GSA/GSDA] :Natural; Earth Alliance ace pilot and combat instructor, pilots GAT-01D1 Duel Dagger Fortressa, GAT/A-01E2 Buster Dagger, and GAT-X133 Sword Calamity Unit 1; while a Natural, Rena has hand-eye coordination comparable to a Coordinator's, and it is speculated that she might able to pilot a Mobile Suit using a Coordinator-compatible OS. Initially trains Earth Alliance's mobile suit pilots, including the intended pilots of the GAT-X units, but is later reassigned as a combat pilot; also known by the nickname "Sakura Burst", referring to both her combat style in the Buster Dagger and to a burn scar on her right shoulder.

Phantom Pain/81st Autonomous Mobile Group

*Matisse Aducarf [GSDA] :Natural; The sister of Matias, Matisse commands a Phantom Pain detachment on behalf of Logos which includes the captured RGX-00 Testament and RGX-04 Proto Saviour, both piloted by brainwashed Coordinators. Matisse ensures that the Break the World terrorist attack will succeed by interfering with a Junk Guild operation to stop it, and may also have manipulated the Patrick Zala loyalists into carrying out the attack in the first place. Matisse is killed when her brother Matias activates the self-destruct of her "Girty Lue"-class flagship, completing his betrayal of Logos.

*nihongo|Stella Loussier|ステラ・ルーシェ|"Sutera Rūshe" [GSDA]

*nihongo|Auel Neider|アウル・ニーダ|Auru Nīda [GSDA]

*nihongo|Sting Oakley|スティング・オークレー|Sutingu Ōkurē [GSDA]

Blue Cosmos/Logos

*Matias Adukurf [GSDA] :Natural; a wealthy and mysterious industrialist who runs Adukurf Mechano-Industries, which produces large mobile armors and the GFAS-X1 Destroy for the Earth Alliance. Matias speaks like a woman and claims to have "no grasp of history", hiring photojournalist Jess Rabble to record history for him as it occurs. He is a high-ranking member of Blue Cosmos and the secret society LOGOS, but is a double-agent who provides information to PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Gilbert Durandal. Shortly after the Break the World terrorist attack, Matias kills himself and his sister Matisse by self-destructing her "Girty Lue"-class flagship.

*nihongo|Lord Djibril|ロード・ジブリール|Rōdo Jiburīru [GSDA]


*Chris Dill [GSDA] :Natural; Earth Alliance; pilots a GAT-01 Strike Dagger, and a GAT-SO2R N Dagger N.

Eurasian Federation

*Balsam Arendo [GSA] :Natural; Eurasian Federation ace pilot, pilots the CAT1-X2/3 Hyperion Unit 2; the self-proclaimed "Eagle of Artemis"; killed by Canard when deserting from the Eurasian Federation.

*nihongo|Morgan Chevalier|モーガン・シュバリエ|Mōgan Shubarie [GSA/GSDA]

*Gerard Garcia [GSA] – anime voices|Katsuhisa Houki|Scott McNeil:Natural; Admiral in Eurasian Federation forces, in charge of the Artemis asteroid fortress in Earth orbit at Lagrange point 3; wants to take advantage of the situation and steal the "Archangel" and the GAT-X105 Strike from the Atlantic Federation when it is being pursued by the Le Creuset team. Unfortunately for him, the GAT-X207 Blitz uses its Mirage Colloid to sneak in undetected and lay waste to Artemis's defenses right when he tries to force Kira Yamato to remove the lock on the Strike's OS. He is ultimately crushed by a Moebius unit shot down by Dearka Elsman in the GAT-X103 Buster. "In Gundam SEED Astray", however, after the "Umbrella of Artemis" is destroyed by the Blitz and the "Archangel" has escaped, he contracts the Serpent Tail mercenary company for defense of the base; holds Elijah Kiel hostage when he wants to acquire the Astray Red Frame to make up for the lost of the Strike; when Gai Murakumo fights with Lowe Guele and successfully brings the Red Frame close to the control room, the situation reverses and Garcia is held hostage by Elijah. As shown in X Astray, he is spared by the Serpent Tail, and becomes Canard Pars commander. However, his failure to acquire the N-Jammer Canceller prior to the Atlantic Federation receiving it from Rau Le Creuset through Flay Allster results in him being demoted. His eventual fate post-SEED remains unknown.
*Juri Wu Nien [GS/GSA] – anime voices|Yuko Sato(Japanese), Sarah Johns (English):Ex-Orb, Natural; one of the members on Asagi's M1 Astray squad, second in command; she tries to steal the MBF-P02 Astray Red Frame, piloted by Lowe Guele, in order to test its Natural OS; killed on September 26, CE 71 by one of the Earth Alliance's GAT-01 Strike Dagger.

*Erica Simmons [GS/GSA/GSD] – anime voices|Michiyo Yanagisawa|Sharon Alexander:Chief designer in the Orb Union's military force and senior engineer of Morgenroete; she is a Coordinator; fails to develop a mobile suit operating system (OS) that would allow a Natural to fight on a similar level as a Coordinator, until the arrival of Kira Yamato and the "Archangel", who help her construct an OS for the Orb Union's mobile suit, the MBF-M1 M1 Astray; later she helps rebuild the Strike and equips it with her OS system (which is later given to Mu La Flaga), and constructs the Strike Rouge on the "Kusanagi" near the end of the war. She joins the Three Ship Alliance so she could help the M1s in space. In "Gundam SEED Destiny", she is among the many Orb personnel that are still loyal to Cagalli. She is married and has one son, Ryuta.

*nihongo|Canard Pars|カナード・パルス|Kanādo Parusu [GSA/GSDA]

*Meriol Pistis [GSA/GSDA] :Natural; Captain of "Agamemnon" class carrier "Ortigia"; has a strong grudge against the Atlantic Federation; works with Canard, who she cares for, and turns against Garcia when he orders Canard's arrest; aids Canard as a mercenary after the war.


Le Creuset team

*nihongo|Miguel Aiman|ミゲル・アイマン|Migeru Aiman [GS/GSA]

Minerva pilots

*nihongo|Shinn Asuka|シン・アスカ|Shin Asuka [GSD/GSDA]

Other Pilots

*Ash Gray [GSA] :Coordinator; ZAFT Special Forces Ace Pilot, Coordinator that has extra eyes on his forehead (though these may just be tattoos); pilots the ZGMF-X11A Regenerate; is presumed to be killed by Lowe and Gai. But he is recovered by the Earth Alliance, put under the Alliance "Extended" program and made the pilot of the stolen ZGMF-X12A/RGX-00 Testament. Committs suicide by exiting his mobile suit in space without sealing his pilot suit after defeat during a duel with ZGMF-X12D Astray Outframe D.

*Shiho Hahnenfuss [GSA] :Coordinator; wears the red uniform of the ZAFT ace pilots; she researches the beam weapon systems on the new CGUE Deep Arms because there are many problems and with help from Yzak she is able to complete the mobile suit; nicknamed the "Housenka" (Balsam) by Yzak Joule because of her combat skills (since beams are shooting out in all directions like a blossoming flower), and she wears the balsam as her personal mark; pilots the ZGMF-515 CGUE and YFX-200 CGUE DEEP Arms. Assigned to the Joule Squadron before the end of the Bloody Valentine War, she participates in the Second Battle of Jachin Due and has fought against Earth Alliance force's female ace pilot "Sakura Burst" Rena Imelia. After the war when Yzak became the youngest member of the Supreme Council,Fact|date=February 2008 Shiho leaves the Joule squad briefly to fight in the independence war of the U.S.S.A.; after Yzak returns to the frontline Shiho rejoins the Joule squad and pilots a custom ZGMF-1000/M Blaze ZAKU Warrior. She seems to have romantic feelings towards Yzak, but he does not notice them.:*Shiho appears in a crowd or background shots in "Gundam SEED"Verify source|date=February 2008 and "Gundam SEED Destiny", but has no dialogue; however, she is voiced by Makiko Ōmoto in related video games.

*Courtney Heironimus [GSA/GSDA]

*Riika Sheder [GSDA] :Coordinator; with the rare condition of blindness at birth even though she is a Coordinator; wears glasses when in uniform, and specialized goggles when in her pilot suit; test pilot for the ZGMF-X88S Gaia; wears the red uniform of an elite pilot; pilots a purple ZGMF-1001/M Blaze ZAKU Phantom.

*Mare Strode [GSDA] :Coordinator; test pilot for the ZGMF-X31S Abyss, and becomes jealous of Shinn Asuka; hates the Naturals; after the test he was chosen as the Abyss's formal pilot, but during the Armory One incident he is severely injured by Stella Loussier. Around the time of the Junius Seven drop, he pilots a Destiny Impulse unit.

*Goud Vair [GSA] :Coordinator; originally a soldier of the ZAFT forces, and later leaves the military because he hates the war; he is a ZAFT ace along with Miguel Aiman & Elijah Kiel, and he is the best of the three and wears the red ace uniform; with his outstanding skills he brought ZAFT many victories turning the tide to OMNI ENFORCERS Mass Forces; during and after the Eleven Month War, Goud develops a split personality problem, one personality is kind, helpful, the other is revengeful and wants to kill anyone around him, including Elijah Kiel; he pilots a customized red colored GINN; known as "The Hero Of ZAFT" because once when all friendly forces are annihilated he defeats the enemy fleet single-handedly; in the next year he does not lose once and opposing enemies are always worried about their fleets being annihilated by him; bad noises cause his fierce personality to come out, while soothing music such as the songs of Lacus Clyne calm him down and the gentle side resurfaces; when the Earth Alliance fleet attacks the Literia space colony, Goud launches and his fierce personality starts to surface, and he fights Elijah; he is defeated by Gai Murakumo who is accompanying the EA forces; Goud then begs Elijah to kill him as a friend to end his suffering at the Literia space colony.

Council Members

* Eileen Canaver [GS/G] – anime voices|Naomi Shindou|Lisa Ann Beley:Coordinator; the youngest member of the PLANT Supreme Council and the head of the diplomatic committee. She is Siegal Clyne's right hand on the council and deputy leader of the moderate faction. Becomes interim chairwoman after Siegel Clyne's, and subsequently Patrick Zala's, death; retires prior to the start of the Second Bloody Valentine War.

*nihongo|Gilbert Durandal|ギルバート・デュランダル|Girubāto Dyurandaru [GSD/GSDA]


*Bernadette Leroux [GSDA] :Coordinator; member of PLANT's official press organization; she has her own team which has many talents and resources; she has a strong sense of justice toward her reports.

*Diller Rojo [GSA] :Coordinator; a PLANT civilian sent to the Mendel colony to locate any data regarding the DNA of George Gleen. Had met up with Lowe and Kisato for a short time. Pilots a UTA/TE-6 GOOhN Underground Mobility Test Type mobile suit.

Orb Union

Royal family


*nihongo|Cagalli Yula Athha|カガリ・ユラ・アスハ|Kagari Yura Asuha [GSA]


*Rondo Ghina Sahaku [GSA/GSDA]

*Rondo Mina Sahaku [GSA]

Junk Guild

*8 [GSA/GSDA] :Artificially Intelligent quantum computer found by Lowe on a drifting space shuttle; named for the only visible writing on its casing; serves as a co-pilot for Lowe Guele's Astray Red Frame and later Jess Rabble's Astray Out Frame.:*Initially, 8 was implied to be the learning computer from Amuro Ray's RX-78-2 Gundam; the craft Lowe found 8 in was highly similar to the Gundam's damaged Core Fighter, and its casing has several scratched-out letters and numbers, which appear to have been "RX-78". However, this implication is downplayed in Destiny Astray.

*Liam Garfield [GSA/GSDA] :Coordinator (he is a Coordinator with gene modifications while his twin brother is a Natural, since the Garfields wanted to bridge the gap between Naturals and Coordinators); because of his unique background he has a habit of observing the Naturals' behaviors (especially Lowe); a member of the Junk Guild, pilots a customized Kimera and a Works GINN.

*nihongo|Lowe Guele|ロウ・ギュール|Rou Gyūru [GSA/GSDA]

*The Professor [GSA/GSDA] :Natural; real name and her past unknown; brilliant scientist and captain of the "HOME", and a close friend of Morgenroete's Erica Simmons; creates a holographic body for George Glenn so that she won't have to bother with commanding the "ReHOME".

*nihongo|Prayer Reverie|プレア・レヴェリー|Purea Reverī [GSA/GSDA]

*Yoon Sefan [GSA/GSDA] :Natural; the clumsy former Morgenroete Inc. engineer, joined the Junk Guild after being left behind during the evacuation of Orb before its destruction at the hands of EA forces; designer of the MWF-JG71 Raysta civilian-use mobile suit and pilot of a custom Raysta. Encountered Courtney Hieronimus and the ZGMF-X999A ZAKU Trial Type but was saved by Barry Ho.

*Kisato Yamabuki [GSA/GSDA] – anime voices|Masayo Kurata(Japanese):Natural; fellow Junk Tech with Lowe, Liam, and the Professor; she has the hobby of collecting memorbilia of the First Coordinator George Glenn; lacks self confidence and easily frightened when there is fighting; pilots a custom Kimera and later a modified version of the BuCUE Andrew Waltfeld Custom. Has a crush on Lowe.

erpent Tail

*Kazahana Aja [GSA/GSDA] – anime voices|Yu Kobayashi(Japanese):Coordinator; 6 years old, highly intelligent daughter of Loretta; because of her background she has adult-like judgement and mental toughness, and she serves as liaison to Serpent Tail's clients.

*Loretta Aja [GSA/GSDA] – anime voices|Kumiko Nishihara(Japanese):Natural; the only woman among members of Serpent Tail; explosives expert and tactician; mother to Kazahana Aja; very popular among the mercenaries. Former member of the Earth Alliance, left to have a Coordinator child (Kazahana).

*Elijah Kiel [GSA/GSDA] – anime voices|Toriumi Katsumi(Japanese):Coordinator/Natural; Gai's wingman, only member to wear a ZAFT uniform pilots a custom ZGMF-1017 GINN and later a ZGMF-1001 ZAKU, each with a blade-like head crest; before joining Gai he was with ZAFT alongside his best friend Goud Vair (whom he killed as Goud begged him as a friend to end his suffering due to the split personality); he has a very handsome look; although he is a Coordinator he does not possess the superior physiology of Coordinator, so his mobile suit maneuvering skills are poor; through the experiences he gained on the battlefield as a mercenary, however, he polished his maneuvering skills, and has improved substantially. On his mobile suit "2" is incorporated on its Serpent Tail emblem. Elijah's GINN has great sentimental value, since he used parts from Vair's GINN to repair it; this is why he continued to pilot the GINN even as it became greatly outdated, switching to his new ZAKU only because his GINN was badly damaged.

*Gai Murakumo [GSA/GSDA] – anime voices|Inoue Kazuhiko(Japanese):Coordinator; a shrewd mercenary with excellent battle sense and the leader of the Serpent Tail mercenary company, and pilot of the MBF-P03 Astray Blue Frame; first meets Lowe Guele at the remains of Heliopolis; he goes where the money takes him, and is friends with fellow pilot Elijah Kiel; nobody knows his past, when he was actually a Combat Coordinator developed by the group "Socius" of the Earth Alliance for combat use. His combat ability was completed at a high level, but his mental control was incomplete when he escaped the research facility. On his mobile suit "1" is incorporated on its Serpent Tail emblem. :*His surname is derived from "Ama-no-Murakumo", the name of the legendary Japanese sword which Susanowo pulled from the tail of the slain Yamato no Orochi and presented to his sister, the Sun goddess Amaterasu, as a reconciliation gift. Also called Kusanagi, it is the sword of the Japanese Imperial regalia.

*Reed Wheeler [GSA/GSDA] – anime voices|Hidenari Ugaki(Japanese):Natural; captain of Serpent Tail's "Laurasia "-class frigate; former Earth Alliance intelligence operative and still has contacts with the Earth Alliance; known alcoholic.


*Elisa Azana [GSA] :Head of a pirate gang and in a relationship with Kenaf Luchini; leads an attack against Lowe in order to steal his Red Frame.

*nihongo|George Glenn|ジョージ・グレン|Jōji Guren [GSA/GSDA]

*Kenaf Luchini [GSA/GSDA] – anime voices|Akio Ohtsuka(Japanese):Coordinator; freelance informant who enjoys manipulating events through careful release of information, and takes a special interest in Lowe Guele; has an unspecified relationship with pirate Elisa Asanya; pilots the prototype NMS-X07PO Gel Finieto. His name is spelled "Kenav" and "Kenov" in the TOKYOPOP translations of the Astray manga.

*Kaite Madigan [GSDA] :Coordinator; veteran ZAFT pilot turned mercenary; pilots multiple customized mobile suits manufactured by the Earth Alliance and ZAFT; very confident in his abilities, and always wears a business suit even in battle; employed by Matias to protect Jess Rabble; normally calm and collected, but sometimes becomes extremely violent under stress; he comes from the Combat Coordinator development organization "Circus" (where the only way to leave the organization is to win in handicapped fights); all his mobile suits have a cross on the left chest, which is the mark of people who passed the organization's test to leave; he hates Elijah Kiel since he is a pretty boy, and does not acknowledge anyone who does not work hard (even though Elijah has worked to become an ace pilot); his mobile suits are equipped with a customized beam revolver with bayonet; when training Jess in his ZGMF-1001 ZAKU Custom, it is equipped with shoulder shield that acts as shield, katar blades and gatling gun.

*nihongo|Reverend Malchio|マルキオ師|Marukio-shi [GSA/GSDA] – anime voices|Kazuya Nakai|Brian Drummond:Natural; a blind priest trusted by both the PLANTs and Earth Alliance, thus allowing him to serve as an occasional envoy between the two. He is also closely aligned to the Junk Guild and a mentor to Prayer Reverie. He runs an orphanage in the Marshall Islands and also, with Lowe Guele's aid, brings the severely injured Kira Yamato to Lacus Clyne after Kira's near fatal battle with Athrun Zala. Shortly after he returned to Earth, Athrun paid a visit. While Malchio updates Athrun about the situation with Orb, a young boy says that someday he will destroy ZAFT and kicks Athrun in the leg. Malchio apologizes to Athrun for the boy's insolence and explains that he lost his parents during the occupation of Carpentaria. Sometime between the Battle of Mendel and the Battle of Boaz, Malchio negotiates a treaty between the Junk Guild and the Three Ships Alliance, allowing the Junk Guild vessel ReHOME (aboard which is none other than Lowe) to act as the tender ship of the Three Ships Alliance. After the war, Kira and Lacus move in with Malchio and all of the orphans under his care. Two years later, Reverend Malchio remains much where he was left off at the end of the first series. When the Second Bloody Valentine War begins, he plays much the same role as he did before as well.

*Jess Rabble [GSDA] – anime voices|Yuji Ueda(Japanese):Natural; a freelance photojournalist and pilot of the ZGMF-X12 Astray Out Frame (along with the AI computer '8'), given to him by Lowe Guele when he was employed by Matias to report on the Genesis Alpha; also known as the "Jess of the Rabble" which is the same as his last name, since he is hot blooded and does not think much before jumping into situations; dedicated to finding and revealing the "truth" as seen by him to others; he reports the situations on the battlefield through the view of a mobile suit with the Out Frame's gun camera; frequently employed by Matias.

*Evidence 01 [GSA] :Also called the "Winged Whale", it is an extraterrestrial fossil that was found orbiting Jupiter by George Glenn, proving the existence of life beyond Earth; the discovery weakens the influence of many religions, which in turn leads to a temporary increase in tolerance for Coordinators; this is a first-ever occurrence of an alien life in the entire Gundam franchise. Lowe Guele briefly encounters what may be a live specimen of the "Winged Whale" in the Pacific Ocean.
There is some evidence that Evidence 01 is not an extraterrestrial, such as the fact that no living organism could survive in Jupiter. Jupiter's gravity is so strong compared to Earth, that hydrogen becomes fluid and can conduct electricity.

*Porsche [GSA] :A pirate who sneaks abroad the ship belonging to Lowe and his colleagues in order to recon on the status of the Red Frame.

*Shinisto (Garfield?) [GSA] :Natural; Liam Garfield's twin brother. Heads the project to transport the Space Colony Literia to Jupiter. After meeting with Liam after so many years, he tries to convince Liam to join him, but Liam declines. He is married to a coordinator and adopted a son who was orphaned due to the war.

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