CeX is a second hand goods chain in the United Kingdom specialising in technology, computing and video games.

company_name = CeX Limited
company_type = Private (Ltd)
company slogan = "The Complete Entertainment Exchange!
company slogan2 = "Living The Dream" | foundation = Tottenham Court Road, London (1992)
location = Watford, Hertfordshire, UK
num_stores = 64 Stores, 15 Franchised
industry = Entertainment Retail
products = Electronics, Music, Phones and Games Other Homepage = [http://www.webuy.com WeBuy.com]

ome Background to CeX

CeX (commonly pronounced "kex" or "sex" - "sex" being the correct pronunciation) is a second hand entertainment chain who buy, sell and exchange a focused but complementary range of entertainment and electronics items which include - games, DVDs, mobile phones, computers, MP3 players and in some cases, music too. CeX stores also offer a number of specialist services such as mobile phone unlocking and disk cleaning. Staff are also able to provide unbiased advice on a number of different areas like computing, entertainment and mobiles - as the chain isn't linked to any networks or product manufactures.

The CeX experience is intended to be a unique one on today's high street and mall shopping areas. The chain, now rapidly expanding, operate as though they're a small company right to the heart. Staff and customers are encouraged to be informal and to have fun whilst they're "cexing" either side of the counter. Some of the company's older stores continue to trade under "Computer Exchange" branding, this was later evolved into CeX, which stands for "Complete Entertainment Xchange" - both brands are however, the same company (cex ltd)

CeX Stores

The first CeX store opened on London's Tottenham Court Road in 1992. The company has around 65 stores. The vast majority of which are within the UK and at present there are around 15 which are franchise owned - further expansion, mainly via franchising, is planned going forward into 2008/09

The company has recently opened new, bigger stores in towns which already have one, examples of this would be Coventry XL (currently the flagship & biggest store) and Croydon - which each now have two stores.. and in Croydon's case, one is just down the road from the other.

Each store varies greatly in size from those which are comparatively tiny to those which are of a huge multi-floor size, such as Coventry XL, Stoke-on-Trent (Hanley) and Boston in the USA. The chain's overseas branches currently total 4; 2 are located in the United States of America and 2 are located in Spain. The company have plans to expand rapidly during 2008 with a number of new stores opening in the first two quarters.

Also, they now operate Phone Kiosks under the name " CeX Phone Exchange" where the shop is 90% Phones and 10% of electronics (iPods Computing etc). As of September 2008 they have opened Brimingham Phone Exchange, Rugby Phone Exchange, Merry Hill Phone Exchange, Leicester Phone exchange and Coventry Phone Exchange in the former old CeX shop in Coventry.

CeX on The Net

* [http://www.cex.co.uk CeX Homepage]
* [http://www.webuy.com CeX Homepage (new/international address)]
* [http://www.cex.co.uk/franchising/ CeX Franchising]
* [http://forums.cex.co.uk CeX Customer Forum]
* [http://www.cex.co.uk/sell/ Sell to CeX]

Customer Services

* [mailto:wecare@webuy.com] WeCare@Webuy

From 1st of August all CeX's customer services were moved from a phone based system to a completely on Line service, although the 0845 number still works but only to a voice mail service

Internet References

* [http://www.whichfranchise.com/franchisorPage.cfm?CompanyID=2618 CeX Franchising Review] (Artical by "WhatFranchise")

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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