Bertha Rogers

Bertha Rogers

The GHK Co. 127 Bertha Rogers hole or well was an oil-exploratory hole drilled in Washita County, Oklahoma, and was formerly the world's deepest hole until surpassed by the Kola Superdeep Borehole, dug by the former USSR.

It took GHK two years to reach 31,441 feet (9,583 m), a depth of almost six miles. During drilling, the well encountered enormous pressurealmost 25,000 psi (172,369 kPa). No commercial hydrocarbons were found before drilling impacted on a molten sulfur deposit (which melted the drill bit), and the well was plugged and abandoned. [cite web|title=The World's Second Deepest Hole |url=, Energy Issues, December, 2005.]

GHK is a natural gas exploration and production company. [cite web|title=The GHK Company |url=, Corporate portal.]


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