Bogumiła Żongołłowicz

Bogumiła Żongołłowicz

Infobox writer
name = Bogumila Zongollowicz

birthdate = birth date|1955|11|9|df=y
birthplace = Słupsk, Poland
deathdate =
deathplace =
occupation = Writer
movement =
Dr. Bogumila Zongollowicz, writer and journalist, primo voto Stosuj (pseud. Maria Colonel), was born on 9 November 1955 in Słupsk, Poland. She is the youngest child of Mieczyslaw Trocki and Stanislawa, nee Hojdus.


Having graduated from the Tertiary Teachers’ College of Słupsk (1974-78) she began her professional career as a Polish language teacher and went onto completing her postgraduate studies in Polish Philology at the University of Gdańsk (1983-84). Her career took a turn when she joined the "Konfrontacje" weekly team and obtained her postgraduate diploma in Journalism and Editing from the University of Warsaw (1986-88). In the meantime (1983) she debuted as a poet in the "Głos Pomorza" daily before winning the One Poem Competition (Turniej Jednego Wiersza) organised by the committee of the 5th Literary Session of the Słupsk Young Writers Club (V Sesja Literacka Słupskiego Klubu Młodych Pisarzy) in 1985. Before emigrating to Australia in 1991 Dr. Zongollowicz worked as the sub-editor of the "Goniec Pomorski" newspaper - one of the first, independent publications that appeared in post-communist Poland. In addition she collaborated with the Polish National Radio at their Koszalin branch and presented one of the first neighbourhood TV programs, Studio BPL Słupsk.

She arrived in Australia in October 1991 and went onto completing her Advanced Certificate in Broadcast Journalism with the Open Channel, Melbourne (1994) and a Diploma of Arts in Professional Writing and Editing from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in 1998. She subsequently obtained her PhD from the Department of European Languages at the Macquarie University, Sydney, in 2003.

Since her arrival in Australia Dr. Zongollowicz has made significant contributions to the Polish-Australian cultural scene. For the past 15 years she has been conducting biographical research and writing about Poles in Australia since World War II. Her research has resulted in numerous publications both as author and editor. Author of over a thousand articles, published throughout the world, and entries for the Australian Dictionary of Biography and the Encyclopedia of Polish Emigration and Polish Diaspora (Encyklopedia polskiej emigracji i Polonii) Dr. Zongollowicz has become a prominent figure in the Australian Polish community and a known name amongst the Polish diaspora worldwide. In addition she is the co-founder and former presenter of the 3RIM Radio Melton (Victoria), a regular contributor to the Polish program on Radio SBS-3EA (since 1994), has worked as the editor of the "Polish Weekly" ("Tygodnik Polski") in 1996 and was a guest lecturer in Polish Studies at the Monash University in 2003. In 1999, in recognition of her work and dedication to the Polish community, she was awarded the "Polonia Semper Fidelis" Honorary Medal.

Dr. Zongollowicz resides in Melbourne. She is married with two daughters.


*Polish Authors’ Association
*Polish Journalists’ Association
*The Polish Historical Institute in Australia Inc.
*The Union of Polish Writers Abroad (Związek Pisarzy Polskich za Granicą)


*Lato w Surrey/Summertime in Surrey/poetry/, Słupsk 1984;
*Andrzej Chciuk. Pisarz z antypodow /Andrew Chciuk. The Writer from Antipodes/biography/, Kraków 1999;
*Smierci nie moje/Deaths other than Mine/poetry/, Toruń 2002;
*Kabaret Literacko-Satyryczny "Wesola Kookaburra"/Literary Cabaret "Wesola Kookaburra" /monograph/, Toruń 2004;
*O pol globu od domu/Half Way across the Globe/, Toruń 2007;
*A few hundred press articles in: "Kultura" /Paris/, "Nowy Dziennik" /New York/, "Dziennik Polski i Dziennik Zolnierza" /London/, "Polityka" /Warsaw/, "Przegląd Tygodniowy" /Warsaw/, "Głos Pomorza" /Koszalin-Słupsk/, "Goniec Pomorski" /Koszalin/, "Konfrontacje" /Słupsk/, "Zbliżenia" /Słupsk/, "Integracje" /Warsaw/, "Nowy Medyk" /Warsaw/, "Wiadomosci Polskie" /Sydney/, "Tygodnik Polski" /Melbourne/, "Kurier Zachodni" /Perth/; "Express Wieczorny" /Sydney/;


*Epoka przemian. Wiek XX w literaturze polskiej. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Profesorowi Zbigniewowi Andresowi, Rzeszów 2005;
*Australian Dictionary of Biography, supplement, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne 2005;
*Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol. 16, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne 2002;
*Duchowienstwo polskie w swiecie/Polish Missionaries throughout the World/. Speeches from the 7th International Symposium of Polish Biographical Studies, Rome 2002;
*Polacy i osoby polskiego pochodzenia w silach zbrojnych i policji panstw obcych/Poles’ Presents in the Arm Forces of Countries other then Poland/. Speeches from the 6th International Symposium of Polish Biographical Studies, Bruxelles 2001;
*Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol. 15, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne 2000;
*Losy Polek/Polish Women's Life Stories/. Speeches from the 4th International Symposium of Polish Biographical Studies, Vienna 1999;
*Losy Polaków/Polish Men's Life Stories/. Speeches from the 3rd International Symposium of Polish Biographical Studies, Rome 1998;
*Zielona zima. Antologia polskiej poezji i prozy w Australii/Green Winter: An Anthology of Polish Poetry & Prose in Australia /, Lublin 1997;


*Ludmila Blotnicka, Przez zielona granice/In Search of Refuge/, Toruń 2007;
*Krystyna Jackiewicz, Poezje wybrane/Selected Poems/, Perth 2006;
*Listy z Australii Romana Gronowskiego /Letters from Australia by Roman Gronowski/, Toruń 2005;
*Andrzej Gawronski, Moj punkt widzenia/My Point of View/, Toruń 1999;
*Andrzej Gawronski, Zapiski z dwoch swiatow/The Notes from Two Worlds/, Toruń 2001;


*"Collection of the Polish Archives and Museum of Queensland", October 2006. The project was made possible through funding from the Community Heritage Grants Program. Community Heritage Grants are jointly funded and supported by the National Library of Australia and the Commonwealth Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, and the National Archives of Australia.


*A. Turczyński, "Bogumiły Stosuj wiersze niewielkie", "Zbliżenia" [Słupsk] 8 (1984);
*S. Miller, "Młodzi o sobie", "Gryf" [Słupsk] 7 (1985);
*"Debiuty poetyckie’84. Antologia", ed. J. Leszin-Koperski, A. K. Waśkiewicz, Warszawa 1986;
*B. Stosuj, "Krytykuję pomimo...", "Konfrontacje" [Słupsk] 30/31 (1987);
*F. Fornalczyk, T. Matejko, "Pisarze Pomorza Środkowego", Koszalin 1988;
*J. Nitkowska, "Rozmowa o Australii. Tutaj każdy czuje się na luzie i dla każdego jest miejsce", "Zbliżenia" [Słupsk] 35 (1991);
*Z. Marecki, "Słupszczanka w krainie kangurów", "Głos Pomorza" [Słupsk] 9 XII 1992;
*"Chciuk znany i nieznany" (interview by A. Basiński), "Nowy Dziennik" [Nowy Jork] , 6755 (1996); "Polish Kurier" [Perth] 112 (1996);
*"Ze Słupska do Melbourne" (interview by J. Dąbrowa), "Głos Pomorza" [Słupsk] 103 (1996);
*"Rzeczywiście Atlantyda" (interview by J. Koźmiński) "Dziennik Polski i Dziennik Żołnierza" [Londyn] 296 (1998);
*J.P., "Wiersze Bogumiły Żongołłowicz", "Suplement" [Kraków] 12 (1999);
*M. Kałuski, "Literat zasługujący na uwagę", "Polish Kurier" [Perth] 139 (1999);
*J. Wolski, "Aureola Andrzeja Chciuka", "Fraza" [Rzeszów] 3 (2000);
*A. Z. Judyccy, "Polonia. Słownik biograficzny", Warszawa 2000;
*"Ze Słupska do Australii" (interview by M. Borawska) "Dialog Akademicki" [Słupsk] 11 (2004);
*M. Baterowicz, "Książka o Chciuku (Bogumiły Żongołłowicz)", "Express Wieczorny" [Sydney] 16 (2004);
*Zieliński W., "Dosłowność zapisu, czyli oswajanie z koniecznością śmierci w poezji Bogumiły Żongołłowicz" [in:] "W literackiej krainie polskich kangurów", Rzeszów 2004;
*"Encyklopedia polskiej emigracji i Polonii", vol V, ed. K. Dopierała, Toruń 2005.
*T. Wyrwa, "Korespondencja z emigracyjno-australijskich antypodów" [in:] "Zeszyty Historyczne" [Paryż] 154 (2005);
*L. Paszkowski, "Listy z Austarlii odczytane po latach", "Kurier Zachodni" [Perth] 171 (2006);
*W. Łukasiak, Wiersze Krystyny W. Jackiewicz, "Tygodnik Polski" (Melbourne) 46 (2006);
*E. Celejewska, "Ocala od zapomnienia" (interview by E. Celejewska) "Express Wieczorny" [Sydney] 33 (2006);
*W. Łukasiak, "Daleko od domu", "Tygodnik Polski" [Melbourne] 7 (2008);
*M. Baterowicz, "Błotnicka – jej proza", "Express Wieczorny" [Sydney] 12/13 (2008);

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