- Celerity
Celerity can refer to:
*Speed, quickness.
*Celerity BBS, a computer Bulletin Board System popular in the 1990's
*Celerity, a power of supernatural quickness possessed by vampires in the roleplaying games and "Vampire: The Masquerade"
*The speed of propagation of an ocean surface wave or other wave on the surface of a liquid.
*Another name for proper velocity, an alternative way of measuring motion in relativity
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celerity — celerity, alacrity, legerity are comparable when they are used in reference to human beings and denote quickness in movement or action. Celerity stresses speed in moving or especially in accomplishing work {she could, when she chose, work with… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Celerity — Ce*ler i*ty, n. [L. celeritas, from celer swiftm speedy: sf. F. c[ e]l[ e]rit[ e].] Rapidity of motion; quickness; swiftness. [1913 Webster] Time, with all its celerity, moves slowly to him whose whole employment is to watch its flight. Johnson.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
celerity — index dispatch (promptness), haste Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
celerity — late 15c., from M.Fr. célérité (14c.), from L. celeritatem (nom. celeritas) swiftness, from celer swift, from possible PIE root *kel to drive, set in swift motion (Cf. Skt. carati goes, Gk. keles fast horse or ship, keleuthos journey, road, Lith … Etymology dictionary
celerity — [n] swiftness alacrity, briskness, dispatch, expedition, expeditiousness, fleetness, gait, haste, hurry, hustle, legerity, promptness, quickness, rapidity, speed, speediness, swiftness, velocity, vivacity; concept 755 Ant. slowness, sluggishness … New thesaurus
celerity — ► NOUN archaic or literary ▪ swiftness of movement. ORIGIN Latin celeritas, from celer swift … English terms dictionary
celerity — [sə ler′i tē] n. [Fr célérité < L celeritas < celer, swift: see HOLD1] swiftness in acting or moving; speed … English World dictionary
celerity — noun a) Speed. disposing of the parsnip wine with a celerity which might have been due to eagerness but, to Harriett, rather suggested a reluctance to let the draught linger on the palate. mdash; b) The speed of individual waves (as opposed to… … Wiktionary
Celerity Computing — Inc. американская компания, производитель суперминикомпьютеров под управлением Unix из Сан Диего (Калифорния). Celerity Computing была основана в мае 1983 года Стивом Воллендером, Ником Энешенсли и Эндрю Маккроклином. Свой первый компьютер … Википедия
Celerity BBS — was a descendant of the freely distributed source of TCS BBS 1.43, and ultimately nearly completely rewritten. OriginIt originally began as a project of Brendon Woirhaye (The Byter) and David Hicks (Moebius) in 1990 to quickly modify an existing… … Wikipedia