Kurt Eberling, Sr.

Kurt Eberling, Sr.

Kurt Eberling, Sr. (1931 – March 10, 2008) was the German-American chef and inventor of SpaghettiOs. Born in Germany around the early 30's, Eberling served with the army in Germany and Austria during the Korean War, this is where he meet his wife. After the war Eberling went to work in the kitchens of the research and development department at Campbell Soup Co., where he developed products for the U.S. and international markets. Eberling created the idea of "spaghetti and meatballs" in a can when he saw a strand of spaghetti curled up in the sink, he took the idea to his supervisor and Ralph Miller. Shortly after SpaghettiOs were created. Eberling died on March 10, 2008 of cancer. [ [http://www.philly.com/inquirer/obituaries/20080313_Kurt_Eberling_Sr___77__came_up_with_SpaghettiOs.html Kurt Eberling Sr., 77; came up with SpaghettiOs] "The Philadelphia Inquirer"]


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