Ted Polhemus

Ted Polhemus

Infobox Person
name = Ted Polhemus

imagesize = 150px
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birth_date = 1947Polhemus, Ted. [http://www.tedpolhemus.com/main_tedpolhemus%20467.html "About Ted Polhemus"] . Tedpolhemus.com (accessed 2008-03-16).]
birth_place = Neptune, New Jersey, USABoland, Yasmin. [http://www.theage.com.au/news/Fashion/Skin-deep/2005/01/06/1104832233495.html "Skin deep"] . "The Age" (January 7, 2005).]
other_names =
known_for =
occupation = Anthropologist, writer, and photographer
nationality = American
residence = England
education = Temple University (BA, Anthropology) University College London (M. Phil.,anthropology)
spouse =
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website = [http://www.tedpolhemus.com/ tedpolhemus.com]
footnotes =

Ted Polhemus (born 1947 in Neptune, New Jersey, USA) is an American anthropologist, writer, and photographer who lives and works on England's south coast. His work focuses on fashion and anti-fashion, identity, and the sociology of style and of the body – his objective, to explore the social and communicative importance of personal expression in style. He has written or edited more than a dozen books and has created and curated an exhibition, called "StreetStyle", at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.McLaughlin, Patricia. "Body piercing vestige of ancient identity crisis". "Pittsburgh Post-Gazette" (April 14, 1995).] He takes many of the photographs that appear in his books. Currently Ted Polhemus is preparing a new edition of his book Streetstyle, illustrating the on-going social and cultural impact of the baby boom generation and researching a long-planned work on the cultural basis and complexity of human sexual attraction.


* Benthall, Jonathan & Ted Polhemus (editors). "The Body As a Medium of Expression". Allen Lane (1975). ISBN 0713907746.
* Polhemus, Ted. "The Body Reader: Social Aspects of the Human Body". Pantheon Books (1978). ISBN 0394487923.
* Polhemus, Ted (editor). "Social Aspects of the Human Body: A Reader of Key Texts". Penguin Books (1978). ISBN 0140803696.
* Polhemus, Ted & Lynn Procter. "Fashion & Anti-fashion: Anthropology of Clothing and Adornment". Thames & Hudson (1978). ISBN 0500271186.
* Polhemus, Ted & Lynn Procter. "Pop Styles". Vermilion (1984). ISBN 0091558018.
* Polhemus, Ted & Housk Randall. "Rituals of Love: Sexual Experiments, Erotic Possibilities". Picador (1994). ISBN 0330330934.
* Polhemus, Ted. "Streetstyle: From Sidewalk to Catwalk". Thames & Hudson (1994). ISBN 050027794X.
* Polhemus, Ted. "Style Surfing: What to Wear in the 3rd Millennium". Thames & Hudson (1996). ISBN 0500278954.
* Polhemus, Ted. "Body Art". Element Books (1998). ISBN 1901881245.
* Polhemus, Ted. "Body Styles". Leonard Publishing (1998). ISBN 1852910089.
* Polhemus, Ted. "Diesel: World Wide Wear". Watson-Guptill Publications (1998). ISBN 0823012034.
* Polhemus, Ted & Housk Randall. "The Customized Body". Serpent's Tail (2000). ISBN 1852426772.
* Polhemus, Ted. "Hot Bodies, Cool Styles: New Techniques in Self-Adornment". Thames & Hudson (2004). ISBN 0500285004.
* Evans, Caroline; Suzy Menkes; Ted Polhemus; Bradley Quinn. "Hussein Chayalan". NAi (2005). ISBN 9056624431.
* Mendini, Alessandro; Anna Piaggi; Ted Polhemus; Olivier Saillard; Colin McDowell. "Yoox Attack". Trolley Books (2006).


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