Tradiciones Peruanas

Tradiciones Peruanas

Las Tradiciones Peruanas is a compendium of some of the writings of the Peruvian writer Ricardo Palma.


The writings, which are collectively known as the Tradiciones, started appearing since the year 1863 in newspapers and magazines. They are short stories of historical fiction, that relate events based on historical fact and that are descriptive of the way people lived in different moments in the History of Peru. Their value as historical sources is limited, but their literary value is great.


The Tradiciones have certain peculiar characteristics, they...:*Use popular language full of proverbs, sayings, songs, verses, as well as others.:*Based on historical events that are backed by archives or documents. (Palma was librarian of Biblioteca Nacional del Perú).:*Oral tone, often they have a dialog with the reader.:*Belong to the Romantic Movement.:*Criticize political and religious institutions of the era.:*Have many characters, since the stories are short.


The Tradiciones were published in this order::*1872 First part.:*1874 Second part.:*1875 Third part.:*1877 Fourth part.:*1883 "Tradiciones", from the first to the sixth part recompilation.:*1889 "Ropa vieja", seventh part.:*1891 "Ropa apolillada", eighth part.:*1906 "Mis Últimas Tradiciones", ninth part.:*1910 "Apéndice a mis últimas tradiciones peruanas", tenth part.It should be noted that the adjective "Peruanas" (Peruvian) was not used by Palma. It was used since 1890 to identify them correctly when they were first released in Argentina.

There are in total 453 Tradiciones. Chronologically, 6 refer to the Incan Empire, 339 to the Viceroyalty, 43 to the Emancipation, 49 to the Republic, and 16 that cannot be placed during a specific time.

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