Boyo Ockinga

Boyo Ockinga

Boyo Ockinga PhD, is an Egyptologist, epigrapher, and philologist of the ancient Egyptian language, who holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. A graduate of the University of Auckland, New Zealand and the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany, Professor Ockinga specialises in the art and language of the Egyptian New Kingdom and has excavated extensively at a variety of locations in Egypt, including El Mashayikh (near Abydos), Awlad Azzaz (near Sohag), Dra Abu el-Naga, and Saqqara.

As such, Prof Ockinga is one of the leading figures in Australian Egyptology and its main organ, the Australian Centre for Egyptology.

He is the author of a growing number of scholarly articles, monographs and other publications.


*"A Note on 2 Samuel 18:18", "Biblische Notizen" 31 (1986), pp.31-34.
*"On the Interpretation of the Kadesh Record", "Chronique d'Égyptologie" 62 (1987), pp.38-48.
*"Two Ramesside Tombs at Mashayakh I", Australian Centre for Egyptology, 1988. ISBN 0-85668-453-8
*"The Inviolability of Zion: A Pre-Israelite Tradition", "Biblische Notizen: Betrage zur exegetischen Diskussion" 44 (1988), pp.54-60.
*Kitchen, K.A. & Ockinga, B., "A Memphite Monument of the Vizier "T3" in Sydney", "Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo" 48 (1992), pp.99-103, pls 20-21.
* "Concise Grammar of Middle Egyptian - An Outline of Middle Egyptian Grammar" (Revised and expanded), Phillip von Zabern Verlag, 1998. ISBN 3-8053-2501-0
*"A Tomb from the Reign of Tutankhamun at Awlad Azzaz (Akhmim)", Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1998.
*"An Ancient Egyptian Puzzle: Piecing Together the Saqqara Tomb of the Overseer of Craftsmen and Chief Goldworker, Amenemone", "Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology" 9 (1998), pp.73-87.
*"Nag' el-Mashayikh – the Ramesside Tombs", "Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology" 1 (1990)
*"The Tomb of Sennedjem at Awlad Azzaz (Sohag)", "Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology" 2 (1991)
*"Macquarie University Theban Tombs Project: TT148 Amenemope: Preliminary Report on the 1991/92 and 1992/93 Seasons", "Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology" 4 (1993)
*"Another Ramesside Attestation of Usemont, Vizier of Tutankhamun", "Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology" 5 (1994)
*"Hatshepsut's Election to Kingship: the Ba and Ka in Egyptian Royal Ideology", "Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology" 6 (1995)
*"Macquarie Theban Tombs Project: TT 148 the Tomb of Amenemope", "Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology" 7 (1996)
*"An Ancient Egyptian Puzzle: Piecing together the Saqqara Tomb of the Overseer of Craftsmen and Chief Goldworker Amenemone", "Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology" 9 (1998)
*"Theban Tomb 233 – Saroy regains an identity", "Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology" 11 (2000), pp.103-113.
*"Excavations at Dra' Abu el-Naga': Report on the Nov-Dec 2000 and Jan-Feb 2002 Seasons", "Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology" 13 (2002)
*"TT147 – Observations on its Owners and Erasures", "Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology" 15 (2004)
*Boyo Ockinga and Ian Plant, "Egyptian Religion - Greek and Latin Sources in Translation", Equinox, due April 2007. ISBN 1-84553-031-4 (hbk), ISBN 1-84553-032-2 (pbk)

External links

* [ "Unlocking the secrets of Ancient Egypt"] ("Macquarie University News" article, May 2003, with picture which includes Professor Ockinga).
* [ Australian Centre for Egyptology] (official website)

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