1924 Five Nations Championship

1924 Five Nations Championship

The 1924 Five Nations Championship was the tenth series of the rugby union Five Nations Championship following the inclusion of France into the Home Nations Championship. Including the previous Home Nations Championships, this was the thirty-seventh series of the annual northern hemisphere rugby union championship. Ten matches were played between January 1 and March 27. It was contested by England, France, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.



date = 1924-01-01
home = ru-rt|FRA | score =12–10
away = ru|SCO | homescore = | awayscore = | stadium = Paris
attendance =

date = 1924-01-19
home = ru-rt|WAL | score =9–17
away = ru|ENG | homescore = | awayscore = | stadium = Swansea
attendance =

date = 1924-01-26
home = ru-rt|IRE | score =6–0
away = ru|FRA | homescore = | awayscore = | stadium = Dublin
attendance =

date = 1924-02-02
home = ru-rt|SCO | score =35–10
away = ru|WAL | homescore = | awayscore = | stadium = Edinburgh
attendance =

date = 1924-02-09
home = ru-rt|IRE | score =3–14
away = ru|ENG | homescore = | awayscore = | stadium = Belfast
attendance =

date = 1924-02-23
home = ru-rt|ENG | score = 19–7
away = ru|FRA | homescore = | awayscore = | stadium = Belfast
attendance =

date = 1924-02-23
home = ru-rt|SCO | score = 13–8
away = ru|IRE | homescore = | awayscore = | stadium = Edinburgh
attendance =

date = 1924-03-08
home = ru-rt|WAL | score = 10–13
away = ru|IRE | homescore = | awayscore = | stadium = Cardiff
attendance =

date = 1924-03-15
home = ru-rt|ENG | score = 19–0
away = ru|SCO | homescore = | awayscore = | stadium = London
attendance =

date = 1924-03-27
home = ru-rt|FRA | score = 6–10
away = ru|WAL | homescore = | awayscore = | stadium = Paris
attendance =

External links

*cite web| url=http://www.rugbyfootballhistory.com/6nations.htm |title=6 Nations History |publisher=rugbyfootballhistory.com |accessdate=2008-03-10

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