Electoral results for the Division of Kingsford Smith

Electoral results for the Division of Kingsford Smith

This is a list of electoral results for the Division of Kingsford Smith in Australian federal elections from the division's creation in 1949 until the present.


Election results

Elections in the 2000s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 2007: Kingsford Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Peter Garrett
party = Labor
votes = 45,831
percentage = 52.85
change = +4.24

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Caroline Beinke
party = Liberal
votes = 29,402
percentage = 33.90
change = -2.13

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Sue Mahony
party = Greens
votes = 8,995
percentage = 10.37
change = +2.53

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Marcus Campbell
party = Christian Democrats
votes = 1,402
percentage = 1.62
change = +1.62

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Alex Safari
party = Socialist Equality
votes = 1,096
percentage = 1.26
change = +1.26

Election box formal
votes = 86,726
percentage = 94.67
change = +2.97

Election box informal
votes = 4,884
percentage = 5.33
change = -2.97

Election box turnout
votes = 91,610
percentage = 94.22
change = -0.06

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Peter Garrett
votes = 54,889
percentage = 63.29
change = +4.56

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Caroline Beinke
votes = 31,837
percentage = 36.71
change = -4.56

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +4.56

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 2004: Kingsford Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Peter Garrett
party = Labor
votes = 36,565
percentage = 49.60
change = +1.91

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Nicholas Prassas
party = Liberal
votes = 26,639
percentage = 36.14
change = +1.88

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Hannah Robert
party = Greens
votes = 5,430
percentage = 7.37
change = +0.10

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Charles Matthews
party = Independent
votes = 2,505
percentage = 3.40
change = +3.40

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Anna Winter
party = One Nation
votes = 779
percentage = 1.06
change = -3.80

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Nicole Tillotson
party = Democrats
votes = 747
percentage = 1.01
change = -4.19

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Reg Stewart Gilroy
party = No GST
votes = 563
percentage = 0.76
change = +0.76

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Maureen Frances
party = Socialist Alliance
votes = 273
percentage = 0.37
change = +0.37

Election box candidate
candidate = James Cogan
party =
votes = 214
percentage = 0.29
change = +0.29

Election box formal
votes = 73,715
percentage = 91.57
change = -2.29

Election box informal
votes = 6,790
percentage = 8.43
change = +2.29

Election box turnout
votes = 80,505
percentage = 93.74
change = -0.19

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Peter Garrett
votes = 43,498
percentage = 59.01
change = +0.11

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Nicholas Prassas
votes = 30,217
percentage = 40.99
change = -0.11

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +0.11

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 2001: Kingsford Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Laurie Brereton
party = Labor
votes = 36,428
percentage = 47.69
change = -3.70

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bruce Notley-Smith
party = Liberal
votes = 26,169
percentage = 34.26
change = +3.27

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Arthur Hurwitz
party = Greens
votes = 5,551
percentage = 7.27
change = +3.65

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Peter Zakrzewski
party = Democrats
votes = 3,974
percentage = 5.20
change = +1.19

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jill Brown
party = One Nation
votes = 3,710
percentage = 4.86
change = -0.81

Election box candidate
candidate = Marina Carman
party =
votes = 558
percentage = 0.73
change = +0.73

Election box formal
votes = 76,390
percentage = 93.86
change = -0.96

Election box informal
votes = 4,996
percentage = 6.14
change = +0.96

Election box turnout
votes = 81,386
percentage = 94.60
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Laurie Brereton
votes = 44,995
percentage = 58.90
change = -4.05

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Bruce Notley-Smith
votes = 31,395
percentage = 41.10
change = +4.05

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = -4.05

Elections in the 1990s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1998: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Laurie Brereton
party = Labor
votes = 37,123
percentage = 51.87
change = +0.30

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Tio Faulkner
party = Liberal
votes = 21,852
percentage = 30.54
change = -4.48

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jack McEwen
party = One Nation
votes = 4,167
percentage = 5.82
change = +5.82

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Allan Caswell
party = Democrats
votes = 2,723
percentage = 3.81
change = -3.87

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Tatiana Haralambous
party = Unity
votes = 2,698
percentage = 3.77
change = +3.77

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Murray Matson
party = Greens
votes = 2,505
percentage = 3.50
change = -0.81

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Vladimir Goryachev
party = Independent
votes = 495
percentage = 0.69
change = +0.69

Election box formal
votes = 71,563
percentage = 94.69
change = -0.26

Election box informal
votes = 4,013
percentage = 5.31
change = +0.26

Election box turnout
votes = 75,576
percentage = 93.79
change = -1.21

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Laurie Brereton
votes = 45,373
percentage = 63.40
change = +3.26

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Tio Faulkner
votes = 26,190
percentage = 36.60
change = -3.26

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +3.26

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1996: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Laurie Brereton
party = Labor
votes = 37,098
percentage = 51.58
change = -7.58

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Xenos
party = Liberal
votes = 25,190
percentage = 35.02
change = +3.25

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Christopher Brieger
party = Democrats
votes = 5,523
percentage = 7.68
change = +4.09

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jeremy Oxley
party = Greens
votes = 3,103
percentage = 4.31
change = +0.21

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Suzi Haynes
party = Natural Law
votes = 484
percentage = 0.67
change = +0.10

Election box candidate
candidate = Ted Marshall
party =
votes = 278
percentage = 0.39
change = +0.39

Election box candidate
candidate = Yabu Bilyana
party =
votes = 254
percentage = 0.35
change = +0.35

Election box formal
votes = 71,930
percentage = 94.95
change = -0.70

Election box informal
votes = 3,825
percentage = 5.05
change = +0.70

Election box turnout
votes = 75,755
percentage = 95.00
change = +0.07

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Laurie Brereton
votes = 43,028
percentage = 60.15
change = -5.09

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = John Xenos
votes = 28,511
percentage = 39.85
change = +5.09

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = -5.09

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1993: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Laurie Brereton
party = Labor
votes = 41,383
percentage = 59.2
change = +9.7

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Patricia Marsland
party = Liberal
votes = 22,229
percentage = 31.8
change = +0.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Murray Matson
party = Greens
votes = 2,872
percentage = 4.1
change = -2.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Andrew Larcos
party = Democrats
votes = 2,509
percentage = 3.6
change = -5.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Warwick Dove
party = Independent
votes = 566
percentage = 0.8
change = +0.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Philip Pearson
party = Natural Law
votes = 403
percentage = 0.6
change = +0.6

Election box formal
votes = 69,962
percentage = 95.6
change =

Election box informal
votes = 3,180
percentage = 4.4
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 73,142
percentage = 94.9
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Laurie Brereton
votes = 45,611
percentage = 65.2
change = +4.1

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Patricia Marsland
votes = 24,303
percentage = 34.8
change = -4.1

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +4.1

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1990: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Laurie Brereton
party = Labor
votes = 32,829
percentage = 52.6
change = -7.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Carol Dance
party = Liberal
votes = 17,174
percentage = 27.5
change = -5.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Amelia Newman
party = Democrats
votes = 6,147
percentage = 9.8
change = +2.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Mark Berriman
party = Greens
votes = 5,606
percentage = 9.0
change = +9.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Kaye Tucke
party = Independent
votes = 688
percentage = 1.1
change = +1.1

Election box formal
votes = 62,444
percentage = 95.6
change =

Election box informal
votes = 2,860
percentage = 4.4
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 65,304
percentage = 94.9
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Laurie Brereton
votes = 40,455
percentage = 65.0
change = +0.7

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Carol Dance
votes = 21,794
percentage = 35.0
change = -0.7

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +0.7

Elections in the 1980s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1987: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lionel Bowen
party = Labor
votes = 36,478
percentage = 59.7
change = -3.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Carolyn O'Connor
party = Liberal
votes = 19,903
percentage = 32.6
change = +6.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Philippa Leehy
party = Democrats
votes = 4,765
percentage = 7.8
change = +0.3

Election box formal
votes = 61,146
percentage = 92.4
change =

Election box informal
votes = 5,014
percentage = 7.6
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 66,160
percentage = 90.9
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Lionel Bowen
votes = 39,284
percentage = 64.2
change = -6.6

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Carolyn O'Connor
votes = 21,862
percentage = 35.8
change = +6.6

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = -6.6

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1984: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lionel Bowen
party = Labor
votes = 37,979
percentage = 62.9
change = -6.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Collin O'Neill
party = Liberal
votes = 15,526
percentage = 25.7
change = -0.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Peter Longfield
party = Democrats
votes = 4,519
percentage = 7.5
change = +4.4

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Helen Boyle
party = Independent
votes = 2,321
percentage = 3.8
change = +3.8

Election box formal
votes = 60,345
percentage = 90.0
change =

Election box informal
votes = 6,713
percentage = 10.0
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 67,058
percentage = 93.0
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Lionel Bowen
votes = 42,777
percentage = 70.9
change = -1.7

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Collin O'Neill
votes = 17,551
percentage = 29.1
change = +1.7

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = -1.7

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1983: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lionel Bowen
party = Labor
votes = 45,168
percentage = 70.4
change = +0.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Collin O'Neill
party = Liberal
votes = 16,090
percentage = 25.1
change = -1.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Anthony Larkings
party = Democrats
votes = 1,987
percentage = 3.1
change = -0.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Geoffrey Channells
party = Independent
votes = 869
percentage = 1.4
change = +1.4

Election box formal
votes = 64,114
percentage = 97.2
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,845
percentage = 2.8
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 65,959
percentage = 93.9
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Lionel Bowen
votes =
percentage = 73.5
change = +2.0

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Collin O'Neill
votes =
percentage = 26.5
change = -2.0

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +2.0

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1980: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lionel Bowen
party = Labor
votes = 44,083
percentage = 69.5
change = +5.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Collin O'Neill
party = Liberal
votes = 17,148
percentage = 27.0
change = -2.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Oliver Nekula
party = Democrats
votes = 2,167
percentage = 3.4
change = -2.7

Election box formal
votes = 63,398
percentage = 96.6
change =

Election box informal
votes = 2,262
percentage = 3.4
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 65,660
percentage = 92.6
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Lionel Bowen
votes =
percentage = 71.5
change = +4.0

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Collin O'Neill
votes = 17,148
percentage = 27.0
change = -4.0

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +4.0

Elections in the 1970s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1977: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lionel Bowen
party = Labor
votes = 42,222
percentage = 64.4
change = +0.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Collin O'Neill
party = Liberal
votes = 19,377
percentage = 29.6
change = -4.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Edward Ward
party = Democrats
votes = 3,974
percentage = 6.1
change = +6.1

Election box formal
votes = 65,573
percentage = 96.7
change =

Election box informal
votes = 2,213
percentage = 3.3
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 67,786
percentage = 94.2
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Lionel Bowen
votes =
percentage = 67.5
change = +2.6

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Collin O'Neill
votes =
percentage = 32.5
change = -2.6

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +2.6

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1975: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lionel Bowen
party = Labor
votes = 35,381
percentage = 59.1
change = -8.7

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Desmond Connors
party = Liberal
votes = 22,955
percentage = 38.4
change = +8.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Nicholas Confos
party = Independent
votes = 1,499
percentage = 2.5
change = +2.5

Election box formal
votes = 59,835
percentage = 97.6
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,466
percentage = 2.4
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 61,301
percentage = 95.1
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Lionel Bowen
votes =
percentage = 60.4
change = -9.0

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Desmond Connors
votes =
percentage = 39.6
change = +9.0

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = -9.0

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1974: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lionel Bowen
party = Labor
votes = 39,432
percentage = 67.8
change = +0.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Gary McCready
party = Liberal
votes = 17,217
percentage = 29.6
change = +2.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Anthony Green
party = Australia
votes = 1,520
percentage = 2.6
change = +2.6

Election box formal
votes = 58,169
percentage = 98.0
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,191
percentage = 2.0
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 59,360
percentage = 94.1
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Lionel Bowen
votes =
percentage = 69.4
change = +0.6

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Gary McCready
votes =
percentage = 30.6
change = -0.6

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +0.6

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1972: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lionel Bowen
party = Labor
votes = 26,443
percentage = 66.9
change = +8.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Ronald Scott
party = Liberal
votes = 14,969
percentage = 27.5
change = -3.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Graham Bennett
party = DLP
votes = 3,088
percentage = 5.7
change = +0.2

Election box formal
votes = 54,500
percentage = 97.7
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,275
percentage = 2.3
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 55,775
percentage = 95.0
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Lionel Bowen
votes =
percentage = 68.8
change = +5.9

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Ronald Scott
votes =
percentage = 21.2
change = -5.9

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +5.9

Elections in the 1960s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1969: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Lionel Bowen
party = Labor
votes = 31,163
percentage = 58.8
change = +4.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Barry Morrison
party = Liberal
votes = 16,616
percentage = 31.4
change = -9.0

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Graham Bennett
party = DLP
votes = 2,908
percentage = 5.5
change = +0.4

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Beverly Chong
party = Independent
votes = 2,283
percentage = 4.3
change = +4.3

Election box formal
votes = 52,970
percentage = 97.0
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,626
percentage = 3.0
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 54,596
percentage = 93.5
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Lionel Bowen
votes =
percentage = 62.9
change = +7.3

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Barry Morrison
votes =
percentage = 37.1
change = -7.3

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +7.3

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1966: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Daniel Curtin
party = Labor
votes = 21,859
percentage = 50.5
change = -4.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Nancy Wake
party = Liberal
votes = 19,268
percentage = 44.5
change = +3.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Cornelius Woodbury
party = DLP
votes = 2,193
percentage = 5.1
change = +5.1

Election box formal
votes = 43,320
percentage = 96.7
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,477
percentage = 3.3
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 44,797
percentage = 93.7
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Daniel Curtin
votes =
percentage = 51.5
change = -6.9

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Nancy Wake
votes =
percentage = 48.5
change = +6.9

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = -6.9

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1963: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Daniel Curtin
party = Labor
votes = 24,083
percentage = 54.8
change = -3.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Sidney Pitkethly
party = Liberal
votes = 18,108
percentage = 41.2
change = +6.4

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = James Baird
party = Communist
votes = 1,729
percentage = 3.9
change = +3.9

Election box formal
votes = 43,920
percentage = 98.0
change =

Election box informal
votes = 913
percentage = 2.0
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 44,833
percentage = 94.6
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Daniel Curtin
votes =
percentage = 58.4
change = -1.0

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Sidney Pitkethly
votes =
percentage = 41.6
change = +1.0

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = -1.0

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1961: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Daniel Curtin
party = Labor
votes = 24,866
percentage = 57.9
change = +1.7

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Jack Cunningham
party = Liberal
votes = 14,963
percentage = 34.8
change = -1.9

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John Cunningham
party = DLP
votes = 3,120
percentage = 7.3
change = +0.2

Election box formal
votes = 42,949
percentage = 97.2
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,258
percentage = 2.8
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 44,207
percentage = 94.4
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Daniel Curtin
votes =
percentage = 59.4
change = +1.8

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Jack Cunningham
votes =
percentage = 40.6
change = -1.8

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +1.8

Elections in the 1950s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1958: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Daniel Curtin
party = Labor
votes = 23,713
percentage = 56.2
change = +3.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = George Dan
party = Liberal
votes = 15,488
percentage = 36.7
change = -6.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Bernard McOrrie
party = DLP
votes = 3,001
percentage = 7.1
change = +7.1

Election box formal
votes = 42,202
percentage = 97.4
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,138
percentage = 2.6
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 43,340
percentage = 95.5
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Daniel Curtin
votes =
percentage = 57.6
change = +2.6

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = George Dan
votes =
percentage = 42.4
change = -2.6

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +2.6

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1955: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Daniel Curtin
party = Labor
votes = 21,647
percentage = 52.7
change = -5.6

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = John McGirr
party = Liberal
votes = 17,546
percentage = 42.8
change = +1.1

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Hubert O'Donnell
party = Independent
votes = 1,850
percentage = 4.5
change = +4.5

Election box formal
votes = 41,043
percentage = 96.9
change =

Election box informal
votes = 1,304
percentage = 3.1
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 42,347
percentage = 95.1
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Daniel Curtin
votes =
percentage = 55.0
change = -3.3

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = John McGirr
votes =
percentage = 45.0
change = +3.3

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = -3.3

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1954: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Gordon Anderson
party = Labor
votes = 18,302
percentage = 54.2
change = +3.7

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = George Dan
party = Liberal
votes = 15,435
percentage = 45.8
change = -3.7

Election box formal
votes = 33,737
percentage = 98.7
change =

Election box informal
votes = 444
percentage = 1.3
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 34,181
percentage = 95.7
change =

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = +3.7

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1951: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Gordon Anderson
party = Labor
votes = 18,110
percentage = 50.5
change = +0.8

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Arthur Butterell
party = Liberal
votes = 17,784
percentage = 49.5
change = +3.0

Election box formal
votes = 35,894
percentage = 98.0
change =

Election box informal
votes = 740
percentage = 2.0
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 36,634
percentage = 95.3
change =

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = -0.4

Elections in the 1940s

Election box begin
title=Australian federal election, 1949: Kingsford-Smith
Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Gordon Anderson
party = Labor
votes = 18,573
percentage = 49.7
change = -4.3

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Charles de Monchaux
party = Liberal
votes = 17,387
percentage = 46.5
change = +9.5

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Henry Crittenden
party = Independent
votes = 1,206
percentage = 3.2
change = +3.2

Election box candidate AU party
candidate = Clare Peters
party = Independent
votes = 221
percentage = 0.6
change = +0.6

Election box formal
votes = 37,387
percentage = 97.7
change =

Election box informal
votes = 883
percentage = 2.3
change =

Election box turnout
votes = 38,270
percentage = 96.5
change =

Election box candidate AU party
party = Labor
candidate = Gordon Anderson
votes = 19,042
percentage = 50.9
change = -7.6

Election box candidate AU party
party = Liberal
candidate = Charles de Monchaux
votes = 18,345
percentage = 49.1
change = +7.6

Election box hold AU party
winner = Labor
swing = -7.6


* Australian Electoral Commission. [http://www.aec.gov.au Federal election results]
* Carr, Adam. [http://psephos.adam-carr.net Psephos]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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