Aline Terry

Aline Terry

Aline Terry was an American tennis player active at the end of the 19th century. She was born in Princeton, New Jersey.

Terry won both the singles and the doubles in the 1893 U.S. National Championships (now called the US Open) In the singles she defeated Augusta Schutz in two sets of 6-1 and 6-3, and she played the doubles with Harriet Butler against Augusta Schultz and M. Stone in two sets of 6-4 and 6-3. In 1894, as the defending singles champion, she automatically qualified for the final round in singles under the challenge rule; however, she lost against Helen Hellwig of 5-7, 6-3, 0-6. 6-3 and 3-6.

According to Bud Collins there is little more known about Aline Terry other than that she did not compete in the championship again after 1894. [Bud Collins, "Tennis encyklopedia", 1998, eds. Bud Collins and Zander Hollander. Visible Ink Press. ISBN 1578590868.]

According to the multiple-time champion Juliette Atkinson Terry was as “soft as a cat on a banana and ran after the balls like a tiger."


:"This article is based on a translation of the corresponding article in the Swedish Wikipedia.

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