[UN document |docid=A-AC.198-2006-1 |type=Report of Secretary-General |highlight=rect_184,602_828,912 |page=10 |accessdate=2008-07-15|date=14 February 2006|body=Committee on Information|title=Continued rationalization of the network of United Nations information centres] ] Countries served
Since 1 January 2004, the new United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC) in Brussels provides information services to the following Western European countries:
Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, the Holy See, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
UNRIC also provides liaison with institutions of the European Union in the field of information.
UNRIC Reference Library
The library maintains a collection of UN documents and publications in English, French and Spanish. Background information on UN related issues as well as general information materials about the work of the United Nations are also provided. The library is open to public inquiries via telephone, e-mail or postal mail and response to all queries will be given within reasonable time.
* [http://www.unric.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=30 About the UNRIC Reference Library]
International years
International Year of the Potato
The celebration of the International Year of the Potato will raise awareness of the importance of the potato - and of agriculture in general - in addressing issues of global concern, including hunger, poverty and threats to the environment. The International Year of the Potato (IYP) was officially launched at United Nations headquarters in New York on 18 October 2007. The day's celebrations included the official launching ceremony, held in the ECOSOC Chamber, a special supporting event for IYP partners, and an exhibit on potato and IYP for the general public.
* [http://www.potato2008.org/ Website for the International Year of the Potato]
International Year of Planet Earth
On 12 and 13 February 2008, the International Year of Planet Earth will be officially launched at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris. This event will be co-organized by the IYPE Corporation and the National Committee of the IYPE in France, together with IUGS and UNESCO. UNESCO’s Director General Koïchiro Matsuura will host the Event and some Heads of State will be invited to address the audience. During the Global Launch Event three conceptual issues will be addressed, such as population growth & climate change; earth resources: threat or treat?; geo-hazards: minimizing risk, maximizing awareness. These issues will be discussed by top scientists, CEOs of leading industries and leading politicians. Such discussions will be preceded by selected essays or poems from a crowd of 200 invited, award-winning students across the globe.
* [http://yearofplanetearth.org/index.html Website for the International Year of Planet Earth]
International Year of Sanitation
The central objective of the International Year of Sanitation is to put the global community on track to achieve the sanitation MDG. Sanitation is the foundation of health, dignity, and development. Increased sanitation access especially for poor people, is fundamental for reaching all the Millennium Development Goals. The International Year of Sanitation aims to: increase awareness and commitment; mobilize Governments; secure real commitments; encourage demand-driven, sustainable & traditional solutions; secure increased financing; develop and strengthen institutional and human capacity; enhance the sustainability; promote and capture learning.
* [http://esa.un.org/iys/index.shtml Website for the International Year of Sanitation]
International Year of Languages
On 16 May 2007, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2008 to be the International Year of Languages. As language issues are central to UNESCO’s mandate in education, science, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information, the Organization has been named the lead agency for this event.
* [http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php-URL_ID=35344&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html Website for the International year of Languages]
UNB – United Nations in Brussels
The United Nations in Brussels is the name given to United Nations system agencies based in Brussels. The UNB seeks to establish a working network between Brussels agencies, and other international organizations and NGO’s. It aims to further visibility given to the UN and its partners from common initiatives and projects. An important aspect of UNB is the creation of a communications group set-up in January 2007. The Brussels UNCG’s aim is to work as a joint initiative to improve internal communications and to better coordinate joint efforts in this field by the different agencies.
The UN House, home to most of the UN family offices in Brussels, can be found at:Rue Montoyer 14, B-1000 Brussels
* [http://www.unbrussels.org/ UN in Brussels]
BGV's projects and public information campaigns
The UN Regional Information Centre in Brussels (UNRIC), the Geneva Information Centre and the Vienna Information Centre have created a partnership and an acronym - the BGV. The BGV covers all of Western Europe and has launched many different joint projects and have initiated a Europe wide public information campaign to inform the European citizens about the priorities of the UN and to engage them in the work.
Friends of the United Nations
Friends of the United Nations - F.U.N. - is a loose network of individuals and institutions that are supporting or contributing to the work of the UN. The UNRIC Director or Desk Officers appoint people from the world of arts, sciences, entertainment, sports and other fields of public life as Friends of the United Nations.
They are offered the friendship of the Organization. The F.U.N. appointment bears no obligations or commitments; it simply states that the person is a Friend of the United Nations, a Global Citizen.
Know Your Rights 2008
2008 is the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.On 10 December 2007 the UN launched a yearlong, system wide campaign to mark this important anniversary. The Office of the High commissioner for Human rights in Geneva is the lead agency. To complement this campaign UNRIC and the information services in Geneva and Vienna have launched the first Europe wide public information campaign to inform and engage citizens about their birthrights. The campaign is called Know Your Rights 2008.The website of the campaign is a market place of ideas. Governments, NGOs, Parliaments, universities, schools and European institutions can join the campaign by posting their events and initiatives on the Wall of Events. So far more than 150 projects have been posted. Pod casts, the Universal Declaration in music and audible interviews with UN Special Rapporteurs are also available on the site.The Spokesman for the campaign is the fictional hero with a universal message, Le Petit Prince.
* [http://www.knowyourrights2008.org/ KnowYourRights2008]
Cartooning for Peace
In October 2006 in New York a new project called Cartooning for Peace was launched. This project was initiated by DPI and the French cartoonist Plantu. Since then UNRIC Brussels and UNIS Geneva have organized 8 editions of Cartooning for Peace in different cities around Europe and one in Atlanta. So far more than thirty of the most celebrated political cartoonists from around the world have joined this movement and have lent their talent and conviction to make Cartooning for Peace a lasting initiative. The next edition of Cartooning for Peace will take place in June 2008 in Jerusalem.
* [http://www.cartooningforpeace.org/index.php Cartooning for Peace]
UNRIC Magazine
The UNRIC Magazine gives you an overview of all UN related events that have taken place in Western Europe (UNRIC Activities). It also contains opinion pieces written by senior UN officials, interview of the month, background material on recent major UN initiatives, an article from one of the staff members at UNRIC, new appointments and report launches. A new edition of the magazine is published every month.
* [http://www.unricmagazine.org/ UNRIC Magazine]
External links
* [http://www.UNRIC.org UNRIC website]