Adenium Arabicum

Adenium Arabicum


image_caption =
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Gentianales
familia = Apocynaceae
genus = "Adenium"
species = "A. Arabicum"
binomial = "Adenium Arabicum"
binomial_authority = (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult.

Adenium Arabicum's distinct from Adenium Cultivation on its leaves, growth form and flowering characteristics. The leaves of this species have a gracious surface, somewhat broad with distinct versionwhen compared to the standard type. Leaves also tend to be larger and somewhat more leathery in appearance. Growth form is always squat and fat with a definite caudex without much differentiation between trunk and branches. Skin also somewhat more colored in purple to dark brown color. Flowers range from pink to reddish pink.

Adenium Arabicums have many characters. Mostly they have been identified with leaves, flowers, caudex skin and branch internodes which have 9 characters.

Shiny Leaves, Pink Flowers, and Brown Caudex

1. Shiny leaves on top and bottom leaves, Flowers are pink and very productive, caudex skin is dark brown, and consist of many branch internodes on branches especially on top. Flower petals are also sparkling when hit the sunlight.

Leathery Leaves, Red Flowers, and Dark Brown Caudex

2. The special characteristics is black branches and has many joints on every branch especially on the top. The stem skin is very distinctive wrinkle like old elephant's skin. Flower are deep pink to red. Leaves are look differentiate from other Arabicums. Leaves are curve at the top and fold up. Leave's line are very clear with white or some can have red middle line, leave color is kind of soft green and thicker. Top branch to top of caudex has many joints and wrinkles like skin of elephant.

Leathery Leaves, Soft Pink Flowers, and Reddish Brown Caudex

3. Caudex begins black from the root base to end of branch.Her caudex is flat base style which root spread aroung like octopus. There are many joints and buttons around caudex base and also up to the top of branches. Leaves are wider, thinner and sharper at ending. The leave bone is clear with white. Some also have red line start with stem of leaves. Flowers are very productive with star form and soft sweet pink petal They are curved at endingof all petals and also have red stripe inside.

Shiny Leaves, Soft Pink Flower and Pink Petal Border and Red Brown Caudex

4. Leaves are shiny on both under and top. They are also fresh green and thin like character no.1. Caudex & branches are dark brown and consist of many clear joints & buttons comes around. Each branch will have many small side branches around and this is a very special characters. Flowers are soft pink petal and consist of fresh pink petal border.

Hairy Leaves on both sides, Soft Pink Flower Petals, Red Stripe and Yellow in the throat

5. Leaves are hairy, clear white middle bone, long and wide. The flower petals are soft pink and surrounded with fresh pink border, red stripe and yellow throat. Leaves are also , thick and big and leave bone is very clear. Flowers can come out from branches as well. The branch are black and consist of many clear joints. The caudex is huge . Roots are spread out from caudex.

Leaves are shiny on top and hairy on bottom, Flower soft pink, Green or Brown caudex

6. The great character is many swollen buttons come out from stems. Leaves are fresh green, long, narrow, and hairy k.under them. Flowers are big around 4-5 cms, white petals arounded with fresh pink. Stems are bulky and up against the earth more than other Arabicum hybrids. Leaves are wide and fresh green. Most of leaves are shiny on top and hairyon bottom.
Flower petals are sharp and soft pink. As full blooming, one branch can have 40-50 flowers. Normally when they are in during Top Form season (After rainy season), one branch can give at least 40 flowers. Pods are very productive, this Arabicum can be used for Seed production.

Especially with round, soft green and hairy leaves, fresh pink flower and curly petals

7. This is one of rarely found with Arabicum species.One special and unique with round leave unlike other Arabicum species. Leave are soft green and clear middle leave bone and lines. Most of them are hairy and fold a little bit down and also leaves are thicker than others. The stem is kind of fresh green and have button around branches. Branch Joints are distinctive but pretty distant. Flowers are fresh pink with a little bit mixed up with orange. Some petal border might be curly.

Big caudex and flat root base, narrow and hairy leaves, caudex is wrinkle like elephant's skin

8. The special characters to attract our most of Arabicum lovers is biggest and beautiful caudex. Some caudex can become yellow naturally, not from sunlight. Caudex skin like Elephant. Some plants might have many small buttons around stems if age is over 5 years. Caudex color is a little bit brown. Leaves are wide and narrow. The point of leave is sharp and leaves arefresh green, some might have thin redline on middle leaves. Flowers is soft pink with dark pink boarder. They are not productive, not in a bunch like other Arabicums. People who like flowers might not like this type. This arabicum type give very nice big caudex size and flat root like crab crawl. Caudex can become yellow or gold, not from sunlight.


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