Stargate audiobooks

Stargate audiobooks

This is a list of "Stargate" audiobooks by Big Finish Productions, based on the long-running American science fiction television series "Stargate". The "talking books" are each narrated by one of main "Stargate" characters and feature a second, guest-star voice along with music and sound effects.

Gift of the Gods

title=Gift of the Gods
series="Stargate SG-1"
featuring=Daniel Jackson

writer=Sally Malcolm
director=Sharon Gosling
producer=Sharon Gosling
set_during=Season Three
date=1 April 2008|
"“Years ago, I'd have felt uncomfortable with a Beretta in my hands. But not now...”"

Doctor Daniel Jackson wakes up on the floor of his SGC lab, with no memory of what happened or how he got there. With him is Lt. Hunter of SG-12 – the team that should have accompanied SG-1 on their mission to P2K-797. But now, here they are, back on Earth with the whole of Stargate Command incapacitated around them.

So what happened? Why can no one remember? And why is the Stargate apparently connected to an alternate reality?

This story takes place during season three, before Fair Game.


*Michael Shanks - Daniel Jackson
*John Schwab — Major Hunter

A Necessary Evil

title=A Necessary Evil
series="Stargate Atlantis"
featuring=Torri Higginson

writer=Sharon Gosling
director=Sharon Gosling
producer=Sharon Gosling
set_during=Season Three
date=May 2008|
In "A Necessary Evil", set during Season Three of "Stargate Atlantis", Doctor Weir makes contact with the people of Lannavulin to negotiate trading opportunities. But she discovers that not everyone is happy with the situation...


*Torri Higginson - Elizabeth Weir
*Timothy Watson - Unknown

hell Game

title=Shell Game
series="Stargate SG-1"
featuring=Claudia Black

writer=James Swallow
director=Sharon Gosling
producer=Sharon Gosling
set_during=Season Ten
date=1 June 2008|
"“One reaches a certain level of notoriety in the business of appropriating things, and you’d think you'd get accommodation that matches your rep. But no…”"

Vala Mal Doran finds herself in a particularly sticky situation when an old foe catches up with her. With only Daniel Jackson able to fight her corner, Vala may have to do something that's really not her style – tell the truth.

This story takes place during season ten, after The Pegasus Project.


*Claudia Black - Vala Mal Doran
*Michael ShanksDaniel Jackson

Perchance to Dream

title=Perchance to Dream
series="Stargate Atlantis"
featuring=Paul McGillion

writer=Sally Malcolm
director=Sharon Gosling
producer=Sharon Gosling
set_during=Season Two
date=July 2008|

"I thought there'd be more pain. My patients have always complained of more pain..."

Doctor Carson Beckett finds himself in an uncomfortable situation when he becomes a patient in his own infirmary. After a disastrous mission, Beckett is brought back to Atlantis with a broken leg – and a bad case of amnesia.

But that's the least of his troubles. Cared for by Doctor Gilbert, Beckett watches as a strange affliction overcomes his friends and colleagues. One by one, members of the Atlantis crew are brought in, unconscious and unresponsive yet with no sign of trauma. What's causing this peculiar illness? And why doesn't anyone want to hear what Carson has to say about it?


*Paul McGillion - Carson Beckett


series="Stargate SG-1"
featuring=Teryl Rothery

writer=Sally Malcolm
director=Sharon Gosling
producer=Sharon Gosling
set_during=Season Six
date=August 2008|

"My twelfth grade teacher once told me, 'We don't regret the things we do in life, it's the things we don't do that haunt us'. And she was right.”"

Returning from a mercy mission, the Prometheus is attacked and Doctor Janet Fraiser is kidnapped. Finding herself amongst a crew of outlaws, the Doctor must treat a desperately ill patient and keep herself alive long enough to escape. But are things all that they seem?

This story takes place in season six, after Unnatural Selection.


*Teryl Rothery - Janet Fraiser
*Toby Longworth - Captain Luca Beyash

Zero Point

title=Zero Point
series="Stargate Atlantis"
featuring=David Nykl

writer=James Swallow
director=Sharon Gosling
producer=Sharon Gosling
set_during=Season Four
date=September 2008|

"“Then the energy shockwave hit us, and the Apollo was thrown about as if it were a rowboat in a storm.”"

Zelenka reluctantly finds himself aboard the Starship Apollo as part of Colonel Carter’s drive to survey the area of space surrounding Atlantis’ new planet. It’s a sensible idea, he understands that – but it’s also very dull. Dull, that is, until the ship discovers an entirely new life form…

This story takes place in season four, between Reunion and Midway.


*David Nykl - Radek Zelenka

External links

* [ Big Finish Productions - Gift of the Gods"]
* [ Big Finish Productions - A Necessary Evil"]
* [ Big Finish Productions - Shell Game"]
* [ Big Finish Productions - Perchance to Dream"]
* [ Big Finish Productions - Savarna"]
* [ Big Finish Productions - Zero Point"]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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