Timeline of Animal Liberation Front actions

Timeline of Animal Liberation Front actions

A time line of Animal Liberation Front actions describes the history, consequences and theory of direct action on behalf of animals by animal liberation activists using, or associated with the ALF.

Timeline of actions

The detailed list of actions are divided chronologically:
*Timeline of Animal Liberation Front actions, 1976-1999
*Timeline of Animal Liberation Front actions, 2000-2004
*Timeline of Animal Liberation Front actions, 2005-Present


From the ALF's formation in 1976 to the present day the direct actions have included two distinct categories of tactics, with activists often using both tactics together;

*The removal of animals from laboratories, and/or releasing them from fur farms, and other animal-based industries.
*The sabotage of animal-based industries, such as; slaughterhouses, butchers, farms, circuses, greyhound stadiums, and pet shops, or businesses involved in (or with) animal testing organizations, using tactics such as; vandalism, arson, intimidation, incendiary devices and hoax bombs.

ummary of landmarks


*The damage totaled £250,000 in the first year alone by the ALF.Monaghan, Rachael. "Terrorism in the Name of Animal Rights", in Taylor, Maxwell and Horgan, John. "The Future of Terrorism". Routledge 2000, pp. 160-161.]
*First recorded fur farm raid, with 1,000 foxes released from Dalchonzie fur farm in Scotland.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1977
*After the ALF cause $80,000 damage at Condiltox Laboratories, in London, England, the company closes. It is claimed as a victory for direct action by the ALF.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1977
*One of the first ALF actions in Netherlands is reported, with activists removing hens from an intensive farming unit in Eindoven.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1979
*A cat, two dogs, and two guinea pigs, are taken from New York University Medical Center, [http://www.animalliberationpressoffice.org/history.htm#guide "History of the Animal Liberation Movement"] , North American Animal Liberation Press Office.] [ [http://www.animalliberationfront.com/ALFront/Actions-USA/alfusa.htm "Monumental Animal Liberation Front Actions - United States"] , Animal Liberation Front website.] the first ALF raid in the United States.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]


*First animal researcher is targeted, with a Glaxo Wellcome (now GlaxoSmithKline) employee's garage being vandalized.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1981
*The "Silver Spring monkeys" are removed from an animal research laboratory in the USA.Guillermo, Kathy Snow. "Monkey Business", National Press Books, pp. 69-72.]
*Dogs are taken from a laboratory in one of the first raids known in France by the ALF, with more raids that followed.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]
*48 beagle dogs are taken from a laboratory in Germany, as one of the first ALF raids known in the country.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]
*First ALF actions reported in Canada at a butchers shop. Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1982
*A laboratory in Zürich, Switzerland, is raided, as one of the first Swiss ALF actions, with 48 beagles taken.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]
*First ALF action is reported in Australia.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]
* The ALF claimed it had injected Mars Bars in stores throughout England with rat poison. Mars halted production at a cost of $4.5 million. [http://hansard.millbanksystems.com/commons/1984/nov/19/confectionery-poisoning "Confectionery (Poisoning)"] , "Hansard", November 19, 1984.] [Schweitzer, Glenn E. and Dorsch Schweitzer, Carole. "A Faceless Enemy: The Origins of Modern Terrorism". De Capo Press, 2002, p. 90.] The ALF later admitted the claims had been a hoax. ["The Guardian", April 14, 1990 and November 14, 1991, cited in Garner, Robert. "Animals, Politics and Morality". Manchester University Press, 2004, p. 235.] ;1983
*Malta, South Africa and New Zealand have the first ALF actions reported.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1984
*The ALF steal tapes from the University of Pennsylvania, [The video footage released by PETA can be viewed at [http://www.animalliberationfront.com/MediaCenter/UnnFuss.wmv Unnecessary Fuss 1] [http://www.animalliberationfront.com/MediaCenter/UnnFuss00.wmv Unnecessary Fuss 2] [http://www.animalliberationfront.com/MediaCenter/UnnFuss01.wmv Unnecessary Fuss 3] [http://www.animalliberationfront.com/MediaCenter/UnnFuss02.wmv Unnecessary Fuss 4] [http://www.animalliberationfront.com/MediaCenter/UnnFuss03.wmv Unnecessary Fuss 5] (videos).] after raiding the building, [http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?sid=29 Eco-Violence: The Record] , "Southern Poverty Law Center", Fall 2002.] and release the footage to PETA, which make the documentary "Unnecessary Fuss". [McCarthy, Charles R. [http://onlineethics.org/reseth/nbac/hmccarthy.html "Reflections on the Organizational Locus of the Office for Protection from Research Risks"] , "Online Ethics Centre for Engineering and Science", October 28, 2004; accessed October 2, 2006: On the basis of "Unnecessary Fuss", PETA petitioned the Office for Protection from Research Risks (OPRR) to have the University of Pennsylvania's head injury lab closed down. The OPRR initially refused to act on the basis of edited material and after more than a year of refusing to turn over the original tapes, PETA eventually did so. The edited tape was found to have "grossly overstated the deficiencies in the Head Injury Clinic", but OPRR also found serious violations of accepted procedure.]
*The first action in Denmark is reported by the ALF.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1985
*A five-week-old macaque named Britches, is taken from the University of California, releasing footage that stops eight of the seventeen animal research projects currently going on.Best, Steven in Best & Nocella (eds), "Terrorists or Freedom Fighters, Lantern Books, 2004, p. 22.]
*One of the first ALF actions in Sweden occurs with a raid and two beagles taken from a dental school.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1987
*Ronnie Lee is sentenced to ten years in prison for ALF actions.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]
*The first actions by the ALF in Italy, Austria and Spain are reported.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]


*The first ALF action occurs in Israel.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1994
*The ALF report an action in Poland.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]
*Keith Mann is sentenced to 14 years in jail, reduced to 11 years on appeal, after he had set a number of meat lorries on fire and, after his arrest, escaped from prison. Bennetto, Jason. [http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/crime/article4014.ece Animal rights activist jailed after threatening scientist] , "The Independent", April 30, 2005] ;1995
*600 foxes have their coats dyed at various fur farms in Finland, as the first ALF action reported in the country.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1996
*The first ALF action is reported in Norway.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1997
*Consort Beagle Kennels closes after an ALF campaign.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;1998
*The last fur farm is raided in the United Kingdom,Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] with the practice then banned by the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Act 2000.
*Hill Grove Farm closes after an ALF campaign.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]
*The ALF report that they have taken the first ALF action in Belgium.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]


*Shamrock Farm closes after an ALF campaign.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]
*Regal Rabbits closes after an ALF campaign.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;2001
*Following a series of hunger strikes, ALF activist Barry Horne dies in prison while serving an 18-year sentence for planting incendiary devices in stores selling animal products.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]
*ALF activist David Blenkinsop and two others assault Huntingdon Life Sciences director Brian Cass with pick-axe handles.Goodwin, Jo-Ann. [http://lists.envirolink.org/pipermail/ar-news/Week-of-Mon-20031013/008215.html "The Animals of Hatred"] , "The Daily Mail", October 15, 2003.] ALF founder Ronnie Lee said: "He has got off lightly. I have no sympathy for him." [ [http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?aid=42 "From Push to Shove"] , Southern Poverty Law Center, undated, retrieved 2 October, 2006.] ;2003
*The ALF release 1,000 mink from their cages in the very first fur farm raid in Ireland. [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4161/is_20040208/ai_n12886597 Making a Mink from Mink] , "Sunday Mirror", February 8th 2004.] [ [http://www.directaction.info/news_oct11_03.htm Video/slideshow/picture release from fur farm] , "Bite Back", October 11th 2003.] ;2004
*"Bite Back" publishes a "Direct Action Report", stating that ALF activists removed 17,262 animals from facilities, and claimed 554 acts of sabotage, vandalism, and arson. The report claims that the UK is leading the way, with Sweden, Italy and Holland, closely behind, and that the year "saw actions in more countries than ever before". [http://www.adl.org/learn/extremism_in_america_updates/movements/ecoterrorism/eco050125.htm "Radical animal rights magazine issues 2004 'Direct Action' report"] , "Law Enforcement Agency Resource Network", January 25, 2005.]
*Vehicles at RMC building sites in Bedford and Bournemouth are damaged by the ALF, [http://www.directaction.info/news_june29_04.htm Oxford lab supplier has 2 sites trashed] , "Bite Back", June 29th 2004.] [ Illegal Incidents] , "FBI".] with the company in the same month announcing they have pulled out of the construction of the Oxford University's animal laboratory after the actions. [ [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/07/28/nglax28.xml Glaxo chief: animal rights cowards are terrorising us] , "The Telegraph", July 28th 2004.]
*Three butchers windows are smashed, in what is known as the first ALF action in Turkey.Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] ;2005
*The ALF is named as a terrorist threat by the United States Department of Homeland Security,Rood, Justin. [http://www.cq.com/public/20050325_homeland.html "Animal Rights Groups and Ecology Militants Make DHS Terrorist List, Right-Wing Vigilantes Omitted"] , "Congressional Quarterly", March 25, 2005.] which the FBI and ATF claim are one of the most serious threats to the nation, along with the Earth Liberation Front (ELF). [http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/05/19/domestic.terrorism/ FBI, ATF address domestic terrorism] "CNN.com", Terry Frieden, May 19, 2005.] [The FBI defines "domestic terrorism" as "activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any state; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States." (18 U.S.C. § 2331(5)) [http://www.fbi.gov/publications/terror/terror2000_2001.htm] ] ;2006
*Newchurch Farm closes after an ALF campaign Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.] culminating in a grave robbing incident claimed by a related front, called the Animal Rights Militia.Britten, Nick. [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/05/12/nanim12.xml "Animal rights gang jailed for 12 years to deter 'lunatics'"] , "The Daily Telegraph", May 12, 2006.]

*In Russia, 10,000 animals are taken from a breeding facility in one of the largest ALF animal removal operations in history. [ [http://directaction.info/news_july24_06.htm Liberation of thousands in Moscow] , "Bite Back", July 24th 2006.] [ Illegal Incidents] , "Foundation for Biomedical Research".]
*ALF activist Donald Currie is jailed for 12 years and placed on probation for life, for planting homemade bombs on the doorsteps of businessmen with links to Huntingdon Life Sciences. [Addley, Esther. [http://www.guardian.co.uk/animalrights/story/0,,1967374,00.html "Animal Liberation Front bomber jailed for 12 years"] , "The Guardian", December 8, 2006.]
*The ALF claim responsibility for a firebomb attack on UCLA researcher, however the device had been placed on the doorstep of a house occupied by the scientist's 70 year-old neighbor. [ [http://www.animalliberationpressoffice.org/press_releases/pr_07_12_12_fairbanksucla.htm UCLA Vivisector Lynn Fairbanks Targeted by Animal Liberation Front] , "The Animal Liberation Press Office", June 12, 2006. Accessed May 11, 2007] [ [http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/education/2003228921_ucla27.html Chancellor taking steps to protect UCLA] "Seattle Times", Rebecca Trounson and Joe Mozingo. August 27, 2006. Accessed May 11, 2007] ;2007
*The Animal Liberation Press Office in North America report that: "There were at least 53 claimed actions by the animal liberation underground in North America in 2007, almost twice the number from the year before.", claiming that there are even more that went unreported. [ [http://www.animalliberationpressoffice.org/press_releases/pr_08_01_03_2007summary.htm 2007 Review] , "North American Animal Liberation Press Office, "January 3rd 2008.] [ [http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/0304/p01s16-usgn.html Ecoterror resurfaces with Seattle arsons] , "The Chistain Science Monitor", March 3rd 2008.]
*MoD research using goats in hyperbaric chambers, conducted by QinetiQ are stopped, [http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/latest/Military-goat-tests-to-be.3377810.jp Military goat tests to be stopped] , "Portsmouth News", 15 October 2007.] which followed a raid from the ALF in July 2006. [ [http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/spare/Cruelty-campaigners-grab-research-goats.1659524.jp Cruelty campaigners grab research goats] , "Portsmouth News", July 28th 2006.] [ [http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/news/display.var.1759111.0.0.php MoD considers ditching ‘agonising’ live goat experiments] , "The Herald", October 15th 2007.] The MoD then confirm that the tests will not continue the following year. [ [http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/latest/display.var.2025024.0.goat_experiments_scrapped.php Goat experiments scrapped] , "Southern Daily Echo", 7 February 2008.]
*After the homes of Van Der Looy employees are targeted, because of their involvement in the building of the life-science industrial park in the Netherlands, [cite web |url="http://www.directaction.info/news_dec30b_07.htm" |title = "Bite Back" | accessdate = 2008-02-19 | year = 2008 ] the company pull out of the building project because of the "unacceptable intimidating attitude" by the ALF. [ [http://news.monstersandcritics.com/business/news/article_1385270.php/Animal_rights_protesters_cause_suspension_of_Dutch_science_park "Animal rights protesters cause suspension of Dutch science park", "m&c"]

*ALF cells are active in around 38 countries, including in North and South America, Australia and New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, Malta, Turkey, Israel, Iceland, Malaysia, and most European countries.ALF cells are known to be active in; Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Canary Islands, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States. See [http://www.directaction.info/news.htm "Diary of Actions"] , "Bite Back", March 10, 2008.] ALF in Malta was founded in 1983; Mann, Keith. "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An insider's view of the growth of the Animal Liberation Movement", Summary of Dates, Puppy Pincher Press, 2007.]

ee also

*Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group
*Animal Liberation Press Office
*Bite Back
*Behind the Mask


Further reading

*Mann, Keith, (2007) [http://www.fromdusktildawn.org.uk "From Dusk 'til Dawn: An Insider's View of the Growth of the Animal Liberation Movement"] , Puppy Pincher Press, ISBN 978-0-9555850-0-5
*Best, Steven, and Nocella, Anthony J, (2004) [http://www.cala-online.org/TOFF/Terrorists_or_Freedom_Fighters2.htm "Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? Reflections on the Liberation of Animals"] , Lantern Books, ISBN 1-59056-054-X
*Newkirk, Ingrid, (2000) "Free the Animals: The Story of the Animal Liberation Front", Lantern Books, ISBN 1-930051-22-0

External links

* [http://www.directaction.info/news.htm Diary of Actions] "Bite Back"
* [http://www.animalliberationpressoffice.org North American Animal Liberation Press Office]
* [http://www.animalliberationfront.com Animal Liberation Front]

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