- Atmospheric window
Atmospheric window may refer to:
*Radio window
*Infrared window
*Optical window
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Atmospheric window may refer to:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
atmospheric window — atmosferos langas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. atmospheric window vok. atmosphärisches Fenster, n rus. атмосферное окно, n pranc. fenêtre d atmosphère, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
atmospheric window — Astron. any of the wavelengths at which electromagnetic radiation from space can penetrate the earth s atmosphere. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium
atmospheric window — Astron. any of the wavelengths at which electromagnetic radiation from space can penetrate the earth s atmosphere. [1965 70] … Useful english dictionary
Window (disambiguation) — A window is an opening in an otherwise solid, opaque surface, through which light can pass.Window may also refer to:Business* Video window, the delay between a movie s theatrical and DVD releaseComputing* Window (computing), a display rectangle… … Wikipedia
window — n. 1 a an opening in a wall, roof, or vehicle etc., usu. with glass in fixed, sliding, or hinged frames, to admit light or air etc. and allow the occupants to see out. b the glass filling this opening (have broken the window). 2 a space for… … Useful english dictionary
Atmospheric Vortex Engine — Luftwirbelkraftwerk nach dem Konzept von Louis Michaud. Durchmesser 200m oder mehr. Künstlicher Luftwirbel mit Rauch als Indikator. Ein Luftwirbelkraftwerk is … Deutsch Wikipedia
Infrared window — The atmospheric window refers to those parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that are, with the earth s atmosphere in its natural state, not absorbed at all . One atmospheric window lies approximately at wavelengths of infrared radiation between… … Wikipedia
Astronomical window — In astronomy, an atmosphere can have a window for portions of the electromagnetic spectrum; that is, those wavelengths which pass through the atmosphere are said to pass through a window. ee also*Radio window *Atmospheric window *Optical window … Wikipedia
Radio window — The radio window is the range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation that the earth s atmosphere lets through. The wavelengths in the radio window run from about one centimeter to about eleven meter waves.ee also*Atmospheric window… … Wikipedia
National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration — Directeur William J Brennan, Administrateur interimaire Agence mère Département du Commerce des États Unis La National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) est l agence américaine responsable de l étude de l … Wikipédia en Français