- Sanjay Swami
Sanjay Chanbasayya Swami is Assistant Professor in
Biochemistry , worked at Dr. V. M. Government Medical College,Solapur (Maharashtra -India ).Presently he is working in K.V. Institute of Medical and Dental Sciences,Chennai . He was first to work onnicotine and its effect onoxidative stress inBidi (Hand rolled cigarette in Tendu leaves) workers. His work published on 2005-6, in Indian Journal Of Public Health [Absorption ofnicotine induces oxidative stress among bidi workers, Indian J Public Health. 2006; 50(4):231-5 ( Medline- (ISSN: 0019-557X)] . His work was noticed and being used as reference. [eMedicine - Tobacco Worker's Lung : Article by Roger B Olade http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic2282.htm -->]Early life
He was born in 1982 at a small village situated in
Pune district ofMaharashtra (India ). He did his graduation studies at Mudhoji College,Phaltan ,Satara -Maharashtra and Post graduation in Dr.V.M. Government Medical College,Solapur . He earned gold medal in his under and post graduation studies.Work
He worked on research project uncovering the effect of
Nicotine onfree radicals andantioxidants inBidi workers ofSolapur district inMaharashtra . Very little work is available onbidi workers and he was first to publish work onoxidative stress andnicotine . He published his work with Smita Naidu, Dr.R.V.Katkam, Dr.K.M.Kumbhar & Dr. A.N. Suryakar in IJPH [Absorption of nicotine induces oxidative stress among bidi workers, Indian J Public Health. 2006; 50(4):231-5 ( Medline- (ISSN: 0019-557X)] andSolapur Medical Journal of Medical Research Council of Dr.V.M.Govt. Medical College,Solapur . He also worked oncervical cancer in relation withantioxidants andfree radicals . [Oxidative stress and antioxidant status in cervical cancer patients, Indian Journal Of Clinical Biochemistry. 2007 (22) :140-44http://www.ijcb.co.in/July%202007%20issue/140-144.pdf]References
1)Absorption of nicotine induces oxidative stress among bidi workers, Indian J Public Health. 2006; 50(4):231-5 ( Medline- (ISSN: 0019-557X)2)Oxidative stress and antioxidant status in cervical cancer patients, Indian Journal Of Clinical Biochemistry. 2007 (22) :140-44http://www.ijcb.co.in/July%202007%20issue/140-144.pdf3)Oxidative stress in bidi workers -S0l. Med.Journal -vol 3 Jan 2005
4)eMedicine - Tobacco Worker's Lung : Article by Roger B Olade http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic2282.htm -->
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