Sanjay Swami

Sanjay Swami

Sanjay Chanbasayya Swami is Assistant Professor in Biochemistry, worked at Dr. V. M. Government Medical College, Solapur (Maharashtra-India).Presently he is working in K.V. Institute of Medical and Dental Sciences, Chennai. He was first to work on nicotine and its effect on oxidative stress in Bidi (Hand rolled cigarette in Tendu leaves) workers. His work published on 2005-6, in Indian Journal Of Public Health [Absorption of nicotine induces oxidative stress among bidi workers, Indian J Public Health. 2006; 50(4):231-5 ( Medline- (ISSN: 0019-557X)] . His work was noticed and being used as reference. [eMedicine - Tobacco Worker's Lung : Article by Roger B Olade -->]

Early life

He was born in 1982 at a small village situated in Pune district of Maharashtra (India). He did his graduation studies at Mudhoji College, Phaltan, Satara- Maharashtra and Post graduation in Dr.V.M. Government Medical College, Solapur. He earned gold medal in his under and post graduation studies.


He worked on research project uncovering the effect of Nicotine on free radicals and antioxidants in Bidi workers of Solapur district in Maharashtra . Very little work is available on bidi workers and he was first to publish work on oxidative stress and nicotine. He published his work with Smita Naidu, Dr.R.V.Katkam, Dr.K.M.Kumbhar & Dr. A.N. Suryakar in IJPH [Absorption of nicotine induces oxidative stress among bidi workers, Indian J Public Health. 2006; 50(4):231-5 ( Medline- (ISSN: 0019-557X)] and Solapur Medical Journalof Medical Research Council of Dr.V.M.Govt. Medical College, Solapur. He also worked on cervical cancer in relation with antioxidants and free radicals. [Oxidative stress and antioxidant status in cervical cancer patients, Indian Journal Of Clinical Biochemistry. 2007 (22) :140-44]


1)Absorption of nicotine induces oxidative stress among bidi workers, Indian J Public Health. 2006; 50(4):231-5 ( Medline- (ISSN: 0019-557X)2)Oxidative stress and antioxidant status in cervical cancer patients, Indian Journal Of Clinical Biochemistry. 2007 (22) :140-44 stress in bidi workers -S0l. Med.Journal -vol 3 Jan 2005

4)eMedicine - Tobacco Worker's Lung : Article by Roger B Olade --><p>Links1) </dd> <br /> <p id="TerminSourceInfo" class="src"> <em><span itemprop="source">Wikimedia Foundation</span>. <span itemprop="source-date">2010</span>.</em> </p> </div> </dl> </div> <div style="padding:5px 0px;"> <a href="" style="color: green; font-size: 16px; margin-right:10px"><b>Игры ⚽</b></a> <b><a title='онлайн-сервис помощи студентам' href=''>Поможем написать реферат</a></b></div> <div id="socialBar_h"></div> <ul class="post-nav" id="TerminsNavigationBar"> <li class="prev"><a href="" title="Earle McCurdy">Earle McCurdy</a></li> <li class="next"><a href="" title="Pete Kilduff">Pete Kilduff</a></li> </ul> <div class="other-info"> <div class="holder"> <h3 class="dictionary">Look at other dictionaries:</h3> <ul class="terms-list"> <li><p><strong><a href="//">Sanjay Subrahmanyan</a></strong> — (b. Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, January 21, 1968) is a Carnatic music singer from India. 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