

The ReCharge is a concept car designed by Volvo. It is a plug-in/hybrid car that is designed to charge in three hours from a typical household power outlet (US 15 A/125 V). Four state-of-the-art electric motors are locate in the wheel hubs, thus eliminating the need for a transmission box (transmission boxes typically waste around 10% of the power provided by the engine). They and are powered by a lithium-polymer battery located in the rear of the car. Once the battery capacity drops below 30%, the combustion engine comes online to recharge the battery.


The electric motors located in the wheel hubs have both permanent and electromagnets located inside. One the accelerator is pushed, the polarity of the electromagnets begin to rapidly change. The magnetic fields created by these electromagnets affect the permanent magnets located in a ring around the electromagnets. The push cause by the reaction between the two forces then moves the car forward. The motors must be completely in sync; if one of the magnets switch faster, it could cause the whole car to veer off. The software that keeps the motors together is currently being developed by Volvo.


The lithium-polymer battery is made out of sheets of plastic, eliminating the use of the normal volatile mix of chemicals. It is designed to let the car run for up to 160 miles before having to have the IC engine recharge it.


*"Popular Science" magazine (April, 2008 edition)

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