- Lysorophia
name = Lysorophians
status = Fossil
fossil_range =Carboniferous toPermian
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
subphylum =Vertebrata
superclassis =Tetrapoda
classis = Amphibia
subclassis =Lepospondyli
ordo = Lysorophia
familia = Lysorophidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision =
* ?"Brachydectes "
* ?"Megamolgophis "
* "Cocytinus "
* "Lysorophus "
* "Molgophis "Lysorophia are an order of aquatic
Carboniferous andPermian amphibians, which resembled small snakes.The
skull is lightly built and open, with large orbits andfenestra e. Theintertemporal ,supratemporal ,postfrontal , andjugal bomes of theskull have disappeared. Themandible s are short, and themaxilla andpremaxilla freely movable.The torso is very elongate, the limbs diminutive or absent, and the tail short. There are up to 99 pre-sacral (i.e. not including the hips and tail)
vertebra e.Based on morphology of the cranio-vertebral articulation, Lysorophids are usually related to the
Microsauria , although the pattern of bones of the skull is very different.There is a single family, the Lysorophidae. The group is known mainly from the
Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian of North America.References
* Carroll, RL (1988), "Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution", WH Freeman & Co. p.180
* Wellstead, C.F. (1991), Taxonomic revision of the Lysorophia, Permo-Carboniferous lepospondyl amphibians. "Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist." 209:1–90
* von Zittel, K.A (1932), "Textbook of Paleontology", C.R. Eastman (transl. and ed), 2nd edition, vol.2, p.225-6, Macmillan & Co.External links
* [http://www.palaeos.com/Vertebrates/Units/Unit170/170.100.html#Lysorophia Lysorophia - Palaeos]
* [http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/users/haaramo/Metazoa/Deuterostoma/Chordata/Amphibia/Lepospondyli/Lysorophia.html Lysorophia - phylogeny]
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