Czernin von und zu Chudenitz

Czernin von und zu Chudenitz

The Czernin (Czernin von und zu Chudenitz) family is one of the oldest and most important dynasties originating in Bohemia, part of the present-day Czech Republic.


The family is descended from the clan of the "Drslavice", like several other Bohemian families. The first bearer of the family name was "Comes" and Camerarius regis (1199-1212) Cyrnin de Chudenic (11?? - 12??).

On May 18, 1607 the Czernin family was elevated to the Reichsfreiherrenstand with the title "Freiherr von Chudenitz" (Baron of Chudenitz) and on March 15, 1623 to the Reichs- und alter erbländischer Grafenstand with "Reichsgraf von Chudenitz" (Count of Chudenitz) and "Hoch und Wohlgeboren".

In 1716, Franz Josef, Count Czernin von und zu Chudenitz received permission from the emperor to call himself and his firstborn descendants "Regierer des Hauses Neuhaus und Chudenitz" (Ruler of the House of Neuhaus and Chudenitz).

After World War II most members of the Czernin family, like the majority of the other Bohemian aristocracy, were expelled and now live in Germany and Austria.


It is said that about 1000 years ago, the King had a conflict with a Bohemian nobleman. He was so angry with him, that he sent his troops into the nobleman's castle and murdered the whole family except one, a baby. A nurse had hidden him in a kettle in the kitchen. When the soldiers withdrew, the people found the little child in the kettle. They praised God for this miracle and raised the baby. They called him Czernin which means "The Black", because he was black all over his face after having lain in the kettle. The king was so impressed by the peoples loyalty, that he pardoned the little Czernin.

Notable family members

* Count Ottokar Czernin von Chudenitz(* 1872; † 1932), Diplomat and Austro-Hungarian politician
* Count Hubertus Czernin von Chudenitz (* 1956; † 2006), Austrian journalist and publisher


*Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Gräfliche Häuser Band XII

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