- Variation on a theme
Variation on a theme is a fundamental aspect in
art history ."Graphic artists as well as musical composers sometimes work (or play) with variations on a theme." [Lewis-Williams and Dowson, 1988]
An example is William Shakespeare's "
The Comedy of Errors ", in which key plot elements are taken from two Roman comedies ofPlautus . From "Menaechmi " comes the main premise of mistaken identity betweenidentical twin s with the same name, plus some of the stock characters such as the comic courtesan. In "Menaechmi " one of the twins is from Epidamnus; Shakespeare changes this toEphesus and includes many allusions to St Paul'sEpistle to the Ephesians . From "Amphitruo " he borrows the twin servants with the same name, plus the scene in Act 3 where a husband is shut out of his house while his wife mistakenly dines with a look-alike. Theframe story of Egeon and Emilia derives from "Apollonius of Tyre ", also a source for "Twelfth Night " and "Pericles, Prince of Tyre ". [Paul Skrebels, Sieta van der Hoeven " [http://books.google.com/books?id=kv20FGSFxKgC For All Time?: Critical Issues in Teaching Shakespeare] " p.64]ee also
Variation (music)
*Variation (ballet)
*Standing on the shoulders of giants
*the well known ancient controversy betweenEupolis andAristophanes , with accusations ofplagiarism Notes
*Lewis-Williams, J.D. and T.A. Dowson (1988) " [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0011-3204%28198804%2929%3A2%3C201%3ATSOATE%3E2.0.CO%3B2-D The signs of all times: Entoptic Phenomena in Upper Palaeolithic Art] ".
Current Anthropology April 1988, Vol. 29, No. 2: pp. 201-245 doi: 10.1086/203629 [http://www.wynja.com/arch/entoptic.html]
*Robert S. Miola (1994) " [http://books.google.com/books?id=hiY-wWTOdFwC Shakespeare and Classical Comedy: The Influence of Plautus and Terence] "External links
*" [http://www.drinkerbiddle.com/files/Publication/093b9d24-f5c7-4838-a335-6a5d4b279ee8/Presentation/PublicationAttachment/27178705-0f2d-4bc4-afa7-f3baf77a8470/Seidel_article_Apr_01.pdf A Case of Variations on a Theme] " by Arthur H. Seidel "Philadelphia Bar Association Quarterly Magazine", Spring 2001 vol. 64 n.1
*Rockwell J, [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A0DE5DA133FF931A35752C1A960948260&n=Top%2FReference%2FTimes%20Topics%2FPeople%2FZ%2FZorn%2C%20John Zorn Variations on Themes by Morricone] , "NY Times", November 2, 1986
* [http://law.udayton.edu/LawReview/documents/31-1/Gupta.pdf “I’LL BE YOUR MIRROR” – CONTEMPORARY ART AND THE ROLE OF STYLE IN COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT ANALYSIS] by Arjun Gupta
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.