Single-Pilot Resource Management

Single-Pilot Resource Management

Single-Pilot Resource Management (SRM) is an adaptation of Crew Resource Management(CRM) training to single-pilot operations. The purpose of SRM is to reduce the number of aviation accidents caused by human error by teaching pilots about their own human limitations and how to maximize their performance. The initiative for this training began in 2005 when the NBAA published training guidelines for single-pilot operations of very light jets (VLJs) [ VLJ Training Guidelines] . However, the application of SRM is not limited to VLJ pilots. This training applies to all single-pilot flights in General Aviation (GA).

Although GA is often regarded as a lesser component of the aviation industry, this perception is incorrect. In the United States GA accounts for 96% of aircraft, 60% of flight hours, and 94% of fatal aviation accidents [Kane, 1998] [NTSB, 2005] . airline and military aviation, estimates of the number of accidents caused by pilot error range from 70-80% [ Commercial Aviation Accidents] .

However, the National Transportation Safety Board revealed that 97% of accidents in General Aviation were caused by pilot error [NTSB,1989] . This is the statistic that SRM seeks to reduce.


The content of SRM is similar to that of CRM training, except the topics relating to pilot crews are excluded (ex. captain and co-pilot communication). Examples of topics included in SRM training are situation awareness, workload management, automation management, and aeronautical decision making [NBAA Training Guidelines] .

Delivering this training to GA pilots is difficult as they are spread out throughout the country, unlike airline pilots who can gather at one time in a lecture hall. The University of Western Ontario is a leader in SRM and is researching how to deliver SRM training online ( [ UWO SRM Page] ). A major research investigation at UWO recently proved that online SRM training improves pilot situational awareness [Kearns, 2007] . This investigation involved 36 licensed pilots completing SRM training followed by a performance evaluation in a high-fidelity Cessna 172 flight simulator.


1. Kane, R. (1998). Air Transportation (13th Ed). Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

2. NTSB (2005). Accidents, fatalities, and rates, 2005 preliminary statistics. National Transportation Safety Board, U.S. Aviation. Retrieved on February 2, 2008 from

3. NTSB (1989). General aviation accidents involving visual flight rules flight into instrument meteorological conditions (Report NTSB/SR-89/01). Washington, DC: Author.

4. NBAA Safety Committee (2005). VLJ training guidelines for single pilot operations of very light jets and technically advanced aircraft. National Business Aviation Association. Retrieved on March 6, 2008 from

5. Kearns, S. K. (2007). The effectiveness of guided mental practice in a computer-based single pilot resource management training program. Retrieved on March 6, 2008 from Proquest Digital Dissertations Database (UMI No. 3288814).

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