

A briticism (or britishism) is American English for a word, phrase, idiom, or expression peculiar to the English language as spoken chiefly in Great Britain and/or the United Kingdom, and is thus a synonym for one of the meanings of anglicism. Sometimes, this can also refer to a particular usage of a term (see List of words having different meanings in American and British English) spoken both in the United States and Britain which is regarded as chiefly British, or, simply, any characteristic of the English language which is considered primarily British. [ Merriam-Webster Online entry] Sometimes, briticisms will become more widely spoken in other dialects of the English language over time, and even, in some cases, become completely universal.

The term "briticism" itself, a neologism, is regarded as an "americanism", and is not commonly heard outside the United States and Canada.


"Main article: List of British words not widely used in the United States."


ee also

*List of British words not widely used in the United States
*List of words having different meanings in American and British English

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  • Briticism — Brit i*cism, n. A word, phrase, or idiom peculiar to Great Britain; any manner of using a word or words that is peculiar to Great Britain. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Briticism — ☆ Briticism [brit′ə siz΄əm ] n. a word, phrase, grammatical construction, etc. originating in or peculiar to British English …   English World dictionary

  • Briticism — noun Etymology: British + icism (as in gallicism) Date: 1868 a characteristic feature of British English …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Briticism — /brit euh siz euhm/, n. a word, idiom, or phrase characteristic of or restricted to British English, esp. as compared with American English, as lift compared with elevator or in hospital with in the hospital. Also, Britishism. [1865 70, Amer.;… …   Universalium

  • Briticism — noun A word or figure of speech used in Britain exclusively or primarily. Ant: Americanism …   Wiktionary

  • Briticism — Brit·i·cism || brɪtɪsɪzm n. English word or idiom only used in Great Britain …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Briticism — [ brɪtɪsɪz(ə)m] (also Britishism ʃɪz(ə)m) noun an idiom used in Britain but not in other English speaking countries …   English new terms dictionary

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