

name = "Brocchinia"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Brocchinia micrantha"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Poales
familia = Bromeliaceae
subfamilia = Pitcairnioideae
genus = "Brocchinia"
genus_authority = J.H.Schult. "ex" J.A.Schult. & J.H.Schult. (1830)
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
* "Brocchinia acuminata"
* "Brocchinia amazonica"
* "Brocchinia cataractarum"
* "Brocchinia cowanii"
* "Brocchinia delicatula"
* "Brocchinia gilmartiniae"
* "Brocchinia hectioides"
* "Brocchinia hitchcockii"
* "Brocchinia maguirei"
* "Brocchinia melanacra"
* "Brocchinia micrantha"
* "Brocchinia paniculata"
* "Brocchinia prismatica"
* "Brocchinia reducta"
* "Brocchinia rupestris"
* "Brocchinia serrata"
* "Brocchinia steyermarkii"
* "Brocchinia tatei"
* "Brocchinia vestita"
* "Brocchinia wurdackiana"

"Brocchinia" is a genus within the subfamily Pitcairnioideae (family Bromeliaceae) that is native to southern Venezuela and Guyana, and is found in areas containing sandstone. The genus was named in honor of the Italian naturalist Giovanni Battista Brocchi.

Phylogenetic analysis of the Pitcairnioideae subfamily revealed that "Brocchinia" represents its own, possibly ancient lineage separate from the other genera within Pitcairnioideae.Gilmartin, A.J. (1988). Phylogenetic relationships of groups of genera within the subfamily Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae). "Systematic Botany", 13(2): 283-293.] Because of this position, it has been suggested that "Brocchinia" is closely related to another subfamily of Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae, and may represent an evolutionary link between Tillandsioideae and Pitcairnioideae via "Glomeropitcairnia". [Benzing, D.H., Givnish, T.J., and Bermudes, D. (1985). Absorptive trichomes in "Brocchinia reducta" (Bromeliaceae) and their evolutionary and systematic significance. "Systematic Botany", 10(1): 81-91.] Botanists performing cladistic analysis of morphological differences within the subfamily have even made a case for removing "Brocchinia" from its subfamily. "Brocchinia" evolved in the Guayana Highlands, possibly from a mesic ancestor that originated the pitcairnioid lineage at the end of the Cretaceous period. "Brocchinia" most resembles these extinct ancestors to the other genera within the Pitcairnioideae subfamily. Because of its specialized growth habitat on sandstone and its limited dispersal potential, "Brocchinia" remains limited to the Guayana Highlands, little changed from the time of its origin. [Benzing, D.H. (1980). "The Biology of the Bromeliads". California: Mad River Press.]

At least one species in the genus, "Brocchinia reducta", is considered to be a carnivorous plant. "B. reducta", like other bromeliads, collects water in the tank formed by its tightly packed, rosetted leaves, but also has adaptations to attract, kill, digest, and absorb nutrients from insect prey. [Givnish, T.J., Burkhardt, E.L., Happel, R.E. & Weintraub, J.D. (1984). Carnivory in the bromeliad "Brocchinia reducta", with a cost/benefit model for the general restriction of carnivorous plants to sunny, moist, nutrient-poor habitats. "American Naturalist" 124: 479-497.] [Plachno, B. J.; Jankun, A.: "Phosphatase Activity in Glandular Structures of Carnivorous Plant Traps.", International Botanical Congress 2005 Vienna, P1716, The Jagiellonian Univ., Inst. of Botany, Dept. of Plant Cytology and Embryology, Krakow,Poland.]


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