Thomas of Sutton

Thomas of Sutton

Thomas of Sutton [Thomas de Sutton, Thomas de Suttona, Thomas de Sutona, Thomas de Suthona, Thomas Anglicus.] (died after 1315) was an English Dominican theologian, an early Thomist [ [ Gyula Klima, "Thomas of Sutton on the Nature of the Intellective Soul and the Thomistic Theory of Being"] ] . He wrote a large number of works, in some of which he opposed Duns Scotus [Hester Goodenough Gelber, "It Could Have Been Otherwise: Contingency and Necessity in Dominican" (2004),p. 34.] .

He was ordained as deacon in 1274 by Walter Giffard, and joined the Dominicans in the 1270s; he may have been a Fellow of Merton College, Oxford before that. He became doctor of theology in 1282. ["The History of the University of Oxford" (1984), p. 466.] .


*Pierre Mandonnet (editor) (1927), "Contra pluralitatem formarum"
*B. Hechich (1958), "De Immaculata Conceptione Beatae Mariae Virginis secundum Thomas de Sutton O.P. et Robertus Cowton O.F.M."
*Johannes Schneider (ed.) (1977), "Thomas de Sutton, Quaestiones ordinariae"
*P. Osmund Lewry, "Two Continuators of Aquinas: Robertus de Vulgarbia and Thomas Sutton on the Perihermeneias of Aristotle", Mediaeval Studies 43 (1981), 58–130
*G. Prouvost, "Thomas de Sutton contre Gilles de Rome. La question de l'être: le conflit des interprétations chez les premiers thomistes (XIIIe-XIVe s.)", Revue Thomiste 95 (1995), 417-429.
*Mark D. Gossiaux, "Thomas of Sutton and the Real Distinction between Essence and Existence", Modern Schoolman 83 (2006), 263-84.


External links

*de icon [ List of works]
*de icon [ BBK page]
* [ "De Natura accidentis" (attribution uncertain), online Latin text]
* [ "De instantibus" (attribution uncertain), online Latin text]
* [ "De natura generis" (attribution uncertain)]

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