Casing hanger

Casing hanger

The casing hanger is that portion of a wellhead assembly which provides support for the casing string when it is lowered into the wellbore. It serves to ensure that the casing is properly located. When the casing string has been run into the wellbore it is hung off, or suspended, by a casing hanger, which rests on a landing shoulder inside the casing spool. Casinghangers must be designed to take the full weight of the casing, and provide a sealbetween the casing hanger and the spool.

Casing Hangers may also be suspended within the wellhead by means of radial distortion of the wellhead bore eg. the "Pos-Grip" method.

External links

* [ Illustration, Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary]
* Seaboard International

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