Robinson-Schensted algorithm

Robinson-Schensted algorithm

In mathematics, the Robinson–Schensted algorithm is a combinatorial algorithm, first described by Robinson in 1938, which establishes a bijective correspondence between elements of the symmetric group S_n and pairs of standard Young tableaux of the same shape. It can be viewed as a simple, constructive proof of the combinatorial identity::sum_{lambdavdash n} (f^lambda)^2= n!where lambdavdash n means lambda varies over all partitions of n and f^lambda is the number of standard Young tableaux of shape lambda. It does this by constructing a map from pairs of lambda-tableaux (P,Q) to permutations pi.

Schensted, who independently discovered the algorithm, generalized it to the case where P is semi-standard and pi is any sequence of n numbers.The Robinson–Schensted–Knuth algorithm was developed by Knuth in 1970 and establishes a bijective correspondence between generalized permutations (two-line arrays of lexicographically ordered positive integers) and pairs of semi-standard Young tableaux of the same shape.


The Robinson–Schensted algorithm starts from the permutation written in lexicographic two-line notation:egin{matrix}1 & 2 & 3 & cdots & n\ pi_1 & pi_2 & pi_3 & cdots & pi_n end{matrix},where pi(i)=pi_i, and proceeds by constructing a sequence of ordered pairs of Young tableaux of the same shape::(P_0,Q_0), (P_1,Q_1),(P_2,Q_2),ldots,(P_n,Q_n),where P_0=Q_0=emptyset are null tableaux. The output standard tableaux are P=P_n and Q=Q_n. The sequence is constructed by, at each step constructing P_i by "inserting" pi_i in P_{i-1} and constructing Q_i by "placing" (adding the element at a specified corner) i into Q_{i-1}.

Given a Young tableau T, to row insert x into T,
* Set R equal to the first row of T
* While R contains an element greater than x, do:*Let y be the smallest element of R greater than x.:*Replace y by x in R.:*Set x=y and set R equal to the next row down.
*Place x at the end of the row R and stop.

Thus, the Robinson-Schensted algorithm proceeds as follows
* Set P_0=Q_0=emptyset
* For i=1 to n:*Construct P_i by row inserting pi_i into P_{i-1}:*Construct Q_i by placing i into Q_{i-1} at the same corner the insertion terminated (so that P_i and Q_i have the same shape)
* Return (P_n,Q_n)The algorithm is invertible and produces a pair of standard Young tableaux if the pi_i are a permutation. Moreover if the permutation pi yields the pair (P_n,Q_n) its inverse permuation pi^{-1} yields the pair (Q_n,P_n).


*G. de B. Robinson, "On representations of the symmetric group," "Amer. J. Math." 60 (1938), 745–760. Zbl [ 0019.25102]
*D. E. Knuth, "Permutations, matrices and generalized Young tableaux," "Pacific J. Math." 34 (1970), 709–727.
*B. E. Sagan, "The Symmetric Group," Graduate texts in mathematics 203 (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001), ISBN 0387950672
*C. Schensted, "Longest increasing and decreasing subsequences," "Canad. J. Math." 13 (1961), 179–191.

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