- Papa Bois
Papa Bois (otherwise known as "Maître Bois," meaning master of the woods or "Daddy Bouchon" meaning hairy man), a French
patois word for "father wood" or "father of the forest" is a popular fictionalfolklore character ofTrinidad and Tobago . He is thought of as the protector of theforest s and theirflora andfauna .His appearance is thought to be that of an old man of
Africa n descent with clovenhooves , who, despite his age sports strongmuscle s. He is also known to carry a hollowed-out bull's horn, which he uses to warn animals ofhunter s' approach. He is also known to have the power ofmetamorphosis and is commonly thought to transform himself into adeer , luring hunters deep into the forest and getting them lost. Much like his female counterpart, Mama Dlo, he dislikes when peoplekill for the sake of killing, rather than to eat themeat or use the hide of the animal.It is believed that if one meets Papa Bois, one must be polite and refrain from staring at his hooves, and say a polite
greeting to him. For example, "Bon jour, vieux Papa" meaning, "Good day, old father."
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