- Fernán Pérez de Ovando
Fernán Pérez de Ovando [The "Caballeros Ovando", most principal lineage, bring as Arms the Cross of Calatrava, with four
scallop shells red each one at their corner of the shield, which is in silver, borded of eightSt. Andrew's cross es in gold in a red field. - Vargas, B. Moreno de, "Discurso de la Nobleza de España", XVII] was a Spanish nobleman.Life
Fernán Pérez de Ovando received from the King in
fiefdom the places ofFuente Encalada ("Fuencalada"),Pazacos ,Cerrazo ,Tovar , etc.He married Luisa López de Moscoso and they were the parents of
Sancho Fernández de Ovando .Notes
*Cunha, Fernando de Castro Pereira Mouzinho de Albuquerque e (1906-1998), "Instrumentário Genealógico - Linhagens Milenárias". MCMXCV, pp. 402-3
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