

A kendama (けん玉 or 剣玉 or 拳玉) is a Japanese toy that consists of a hammer-like object with a ball connected to it by a string. The ball (called the tama) has a hole in it, and it rests on a spike (the ken) on the top of the kendama. The two sides of the "hammer" are concave dishes; one is smaller than the other. The larger side is called the oozara (large dish,大皿) and the other is the kozara (small dish,小皿).There is also a middle position dish at the bottom of the handle called the chuzara (smallest [Chuzara of kendama with traditional, authentic or approved by [ Japan Kendama Association] is the smallest among dishes.] , middle position dish,中皿) and tougher to play with than the other two dishes.

The basic object is to throw the ball upwards and land it on one of the concave dish parts of the "hammer", as well as landing the ball on the spike. More advanced techniques involve combination moves, different landing positions and even freestyle combinations.

The French have a similar game of dexterity called bilboquet which was invented in the 16th century. Also popular in England during the early 1800's, as Jane Austen is reputed to have excelled while entertaining her brother's son in a game called 'bilbocatch'.

In popular culture

cite book ">language=French |author= Woodrow A |title= La femme bilboquet: biographie de Mauricia de Thiers |location=Paris |publisher= Editions du Félin |date=1993 |isbn=2866451430]

*In the Japan-only video game "Tomato Adventure", a "Gimmick" (or weapon) known as nihongo|Kaokenken|かおケンケン|noisy face is based on a kendama.

*In the video game "Tales of Symphonia", the character Genis Sage uses a kendama as a weapon. As the game progresses, more kendamas can be bought, although they begin to look more like actual weapons because of added spikes on some of them. Random dialogues between him and other characters in the game deal with him showing the others how to play with it as a toy, usually with the unfortunate consequence of hitting his sister Raine in the head with it.

*A kendama is also used as a weapon by Oichi in the game "Samurai Warriors". She sometimes throws the "hammer".

*A kendama is also used as a weapon by Ginta Toramizu in the manga/anime Marchen Awakens Romance, this kendama is a talking kendama named Babbo.

*A kendama is the weapon of choice of Gan-chan in the anime series Yatterman.

*A kendama is also carried, and occasionally used as a weapon, by Sarutobi Sasuke in the anime/manga "Samurai Deeper Kyo".

*A kendama is the subject of the Jam Films contribution by Shinohara Tetsuo, "Kendama".

* Shippo has one in Inuyasha that he uses to attack by increasing its size.

*A kendama is the weapon of one of the beaver demihuman siblings, Meroon, in the game "Suikoden V". It's called Mallet and Ball in the U.S. version.

*A kendama is given to Himeno in Pretear -The New Legend of Snow White.

*In the "Town" area in "We Love Katamari", a few kendama can be found in the street.

*The Machine Beast NiseKendamaRobo in Chouriki Sentai Ohranger resembles a kendama.

*A Karakuri ball combo in Ninpuu Sentai Hurricanger was inspired by a kendama, when Oboro's robots were playing with the toy.

*In the last episode of Hana Yori Dango Season 1, Makino Tsukushi plays kendama in front of four little kids.

*In the anime Pretear, Hayate uses it to test the concentration of Himeno.

*Near the end of the anime, Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi, Tina Foster plays with one at home after returning to the States.

*In Unbeatable Banzuke, there's a game called Extra Kendama, the objective is to get the ball in the large cup, small cup, and the spike in 60 seconds while using a giant kendama.

Bilboquet organizations

* Balero Players’ Association – International, United States
* Federacion Internacional de Balero Asoceichon, Mexico
* Fédération Internationale de Bilboquet, France
* Japan Kendama Association, Japan

ee also

* Ball in a cup


External links

* [ Japan Kendama Association]
* [ Kendamaspot - An English Guide to Kendama]
* [ British Kendama Association]
* [ Guy's guide to Kendama]
* [ Yosegi Kendama picture with dimensions (commercial web-site)]
* [ The Bilboquet game - Physical simulation]
* [ Balero Players’ Association – International]
* [ Bilboquet: Cup and Ball or Ring and Pin Games]
* [ US Kendama Distribution]

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