

Ossoliński (plural: Ossolińscy) is the surname of a Polish szlachta (nobility) family. Because Polish adjectives have different forms for the genders, Ossolińska is the form for a female family member


The Ossoliński was a magnate family. They appeared in the historical annals at the beginning of the 14th century. The family originated from Ossolin in Lesser Poland. The progenitor of the family was Jan z Ossolina, son of Great Marshal of the Crown and castellan of Kraków Nawoja z Tęczyna. Jan was the main heir of the property that Nawoja left after his death. Due to the tradition in medieval Poland, he started to use the surname derived from the main family seat.
Grand Chancellor of the Crown Jerzy Ossoliński was granted a hereditary princely title from Pope Urban VIII in 1633, a similar title, "Reichsfürst", from the Emperor Ferdinand II in 1634. Similar title was granted to Jerzy's cousin Franciszek Maksymilian Ossoliński from Louis XV, King of France, in 1736. Both titles became extinct in 1790. His famous library that he located in Lwów the "Ossolineum", has initiated the beginning of the Ossoliński Institute, which was founded by Józef Maksymilian Ossoliński in 1817.

Coat of arms and motto

The Ossoliński family used the "Topór" arms and their motto was: ??

The Ossolinski's castle was reputedly the biggest in Europe prior to the building of Versailles (see James Michener's book "Poland"), which name 'Krzyztopor' mean "The Battle Axe of The Cross" - whose descendents are represented in North Western England through Count Boris Ossolinski, whose Jackson heiress bride is remembered in England as Countess Mary Ossalinsky.


* Jan Zbigniew Ossoliński (1555–1628), Podkomorzy, voivode
* Krzysztof Ossoliński (1587–1645) Podkomorzy, Podstoli, voivode
* Jerzy Ossoliński (1595–1650), Great Crown Chancellor
* Helena Tekla Ossolińska (?-1687), was married to Aleksander Michał Lubomirski
* Franciszek Maksymilian Ossoliński (1676–1756) Grand Chancellor
* Anna Teresa Ossolińska (?-1810), was married to Stanisław Potocki
* Józef Maksymilian Ossoliński, (1748–1829), founder of the Ossoliński Institute
* Józef Kajetan Ossoliński (1758–1834), castellan, senator

External links

* [http://www.ossolinski.friko.pl/portrety/port_m.html Ossolinski Gallery of Portraits]

ee also

* Ossolineum
* Ossolin

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