Line in the sand (phrase)

Line in the sand (phrase)

A line in the sand is, metaphorically, a point beyond which no further advance will be accepted or made.

Ancient Spartan soldiers were said to have drawn a 'line in the sand' during their defence of Greece in the Battle of Thermopylae. In 168 BC, a Roman Consul named Gaius Popillius Laenas drew a circular line in the sand around King Antiochus IV of the Seleucid Empire, then said, "Before you cross this circle I want you to give me a reply for the Roman Senate" - implying that Rome would declare war if the King stepped out of the circle without committing to leave Egypt immediately. Weighing his options, Antiochus wisely decided to withdraw. Only then did Popillius agree to shake hands with him.

Ngāti Whātua war leader Taoho drew a line in the sand, beyond which his tribe's Ngapuhi enemies were not to be pursued, during the battle of Moremonui, or the Seagulls' Feast, at the start of the New Zealand Māori Musket Wars.

The phrase is also attributed to Col William Travis, commander of the Alamo defense forces. On March 3rd [or 4th or 5th] 1836, when the Alamo was surrounded by Mexican General Santa Anna, a messenger bearing a letter of surrender was sent from Santa Anna to Travis. Col Travis called all the Alamo defenders together and read the letter of surrender. Legend indicates Col Travis then pulled his battle sword, drew a line in the sand of the Alamo, and asked for volunteers to cross over the line and join him. All but 1 of the 200+ defenders (including Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett) joined Travis on his side of the line. Travis then responded to Santa Anna's letter with cannon fire.

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