- Formula missae
Formula missae et communionis pro ecclesia Vuittembergensi (1523) was a 16th century Latin liturgy of a Protestant Reformer
Martin Luther forLutheran church es inWittenberg ."Formula missae" was based on medieval mass, only omitting the sacrifice of the mass. It was not meant to become any rule for Lutheranism in general. Later it was followed by
Deutsche Messe , the German mass, but Luther's Latin mass was still used for some time after publication of Deutsche Messe.Parts of the Formula missae
*Gloria in excelsis
*Gradual and/orAlleluia
*Gospel (optionally with candles and incensation)
*Nicene Creed
*Sanctus (including elevation of the elements during the Benedictus)
*Lord's Prayer
*Distribution duringAgnus Dei (the pastor communicating first himself and then the cong.)
*BenedictionExternal links
* [http://www.lcms.org/ca/www/cyclopedia/02/display.asp?t1=l&word=LUTHER.LITURGIESOF Luther, Liturgies of] , article from
Christian Cyclopedia
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.