Tua Forsstrom

Tua Forsstrom

Tua Forsström was born 1947 in Borgå and lives in Tenala, Finland, and is a finland-swedish poet. As well as poetry, Forsström has worked in radio drama and theatre revue. Her work is known for its engagement with the Finnish landscape, travel and conflicts within relationships. Forsström often uses quotations in her work, sometimes placing them directly into her poems and at other times using them as introductions or interludes in her sequences. She has used quotations from Egon Friedell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Hermann Hesse and Friedrich Nietszche. In the collection "After Spending a Night Among Horses (Efter att ha tillbringat en natt bland hästar)" (1997) Forsström uses quotations from the Andrei Tarkovsky film "Stalker", they are placed as interludes in a sequence of pieces and sit alone on the page, without direct reference to their source on the page, leaving this to a Notes & Quotations section at the end of the book.

She published her first book in 1972, "A Poem about Love and Other Things" ("En dikt om kärlek och annat"). Her breakthrough into the English-speaking world came in 1987 with her sixth collection, "Snow Leopard" ("Snöleopard"), which was translated into the English by David McDuff and published by Bloodaxe Books. In 1990 the book won a Poetry Book Society Translation Award in the United Kingdom. In 2003, "I Studied Once at a Wonderful Faculty" was published by Bloodaxe Books, with translations from David McDuff and Stina Katchadourian. The collection contains "Snow Leopard (Snöleopard)" (1987), "The Parks (Parkerna)" (1992), "After Spending a Night Among Horses (Efter att ha tillbringat en natt bland hästar)" (1997) and a new poem sequence called "Minerals".


* "A Poem About Love and Other Things (En dikt om kärlek och annat)" (1972)
* "Where the Notes End(Där anteckningarna slutar)" (1974)
* "Actually We are Very Happy (Egentligen är vi mycket lyckliga)" (1976)
* "Yellow bird's-nest (Tallört)" (1979)
* "September (September)" (1983)
* "Snow Leopard (Snöleopard)" (1987)
* "The Mariana Trench (Marianergraven)" (1990)
* "The Parks (Parkerna)" (1992)
* "After Spending a Night Among Horses (Efter att ha tillbringat en natt bland hästar)" (1997)
* "I Studied Once at a Wonderful Faculty (Jag studerade en gång vid en underbar fakultet)" (2003)

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