Special Effort

Special Effort

Horse infobox
horsename= Special Effort

breed=American Quarter Horse
sire= Raise Your Glass (TB)
grandsire= Raise A Native (TB)
dam= Go Effortlessly
damsire= Double Devil
sex= Stallion
foaled= 1979
country= United States
color= Sorrel
breeder=Allen and Jeanette Moehrig
owner= Dan and Jolene Urschel
racerecord= 14-13
raceearnings= $1,219,949.00
racewins= 1981 Kansas Futurity
1981 Rainbow Futurity
1981 All American Futurity
1982 Kansas Derby
raceawards= 1981 Champion 2 year-old, Champion 2 year-old coltAmerican Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) World Champion Quarter Running Horse. 1982 Champion 3 year-old colt.
honors= American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame
updated= March 3 2008

Special Effort was a American Quarter Horse stallion who won the 1981 All American Futurity. He was inducted into the American Quarter Horse Association's American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame in 2008."Hall of Fame: Inductees Represent the Best of AQHA" "Quarter Horse Journal" March 2008 p. 48]


Special Effort was foaled in 1979 and was bred by Allen and Jeanette Moehrig of Seguin, Texas. He was bought in 1981 by Dan and Jolene Urschel for $1,000,000. He won the 1981 All American Futurity. He retired from the racetrack to become a sire of racehorses. He died in March 2006. He was syndicated in 1981 for $15 million.cite news |author= Associated Press |title= Deal of $15 Million For Quarter Horse |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D06E2DB123BF937A1575BC0A967948260&scp=6&sq=easy+jet+horse&st=nyt |work= New York Times |date=1981-08-24 |accessdate=2008-05-21 ]


style=font-size: 100%; line-height: 110%;
boxstyle=padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0;
1=Special Effort
2= Raise Your Glass (TB)
3= Go Effortlessly
4= Raise A Native (TB)
5= Champagne Woman (TB)
6= Double Devil
7=Hijo Beauty (TB)
8=Native Dancer (TB)
9= Raise You (TB)
10= Barbizon (TB)
11= L'Amour Toujours (TB)
12=Double Bid
13=Bella St Mary
14=Spotted Bull (TB)
15=Hijo Lanty (TB)
16= Polynesian (TB)
17=Geisha (TB)
18=Case Ace (TB)
19=Lady Glory (TB)
20= Polynesian (TB)
21=Good Blood (TB)
22= Never Say Die (TB)
23= Idle Lovliness (TB)
24=Double Feature (TB)
25=Paula Thomasina
26=Spotted Bull (TB)
27=Dolly Mack
28=Bull Dog (TB)
29=Spotted Beauty (TB)
30=Hijo Manso (TB)
31=Sky Lanty (TB)




External links

* [http://www.allbreedpedigree.com/special+effort All Breed Pedigree Database pedigree of Special Effort]

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