Graetz AG

Graetz AG

Graetz AG (formerly Ehrich & Graetz AG) was a German manufacturer of petrol lamps. In 1899 the company began to produce radio sets at its plant in Treptow, Berlin. The company lent its name to an electrical circuit called the diode bridge, which is better known as the full-wave bridge rectifier. A drawing of this circuit attributed to Graetz, dated 1897, appears in a paper by Chattopadhyay.


* [ Short History of the Graetz Companies] by Juergen Breidenstein
* [ Ralf's Antique Radio Homepage (in German)]

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  • Graetz — Graetz, Heinr., jüd. Geschichtschreiber, geb. 31. Okt. 1817 zu Xions (Prov. Posen), 1870 Prof. in Breslau, gest. 7. Sept. 1891 in München; 1869 87 Herausgeber der »Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums«; schrieb: »Geschichte …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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