- Gash-Setit
Gash-Setit is a designated national
wildlife reserve and historical area of westernEritrea . It is located in much ofOmhajer District andHaykota District south west ofHaykota between the market town ofTesseney in theGash-Barka region. The name is derived from the two rivers, the Gash and the Setit (Tekezé) River. It is the historical area of theKunama people and a site of conflict and dispute between the Ethiopians and the Eritreans.Economy
It is often referred to as "the breadbasket of Eritrea" due to the fact that the area is agriculturally rich and more fertile than most of Eritrea [Naty, Alexander (ph.D.), "Potential Conflicts in the Former Gash-Setit Region, Western Eritrea:Threats to Security and Peace"] . Crops such as
sorghum ,millet ,legumes ,cotton andsesame are produced in the area. The high agricultural potential of the area was recognized by the Italians during the occupation and in 1928 they established theAlighidir cotton plantation in the area which provided cotton for the Barattolo Textile Factory inAsmara [Naty, Alexander (ph.D.), "Potential Conflicts in the Former Gash-Setit Region, Western Eritrea:Threats to Security and Peace"] .Citrus fruits andbananas were also produced in the Gash-Setit but many of the plantations were destroyed during theEritrean War of Independence in the 1960s or by the Ethiopian army during the 2000 conflict.The
Tigre andHedareb populations which introducedpastoral farming and grazing in the area has come into conflict with theKunama peoples with the result that economic production in the area is now concentrated on arable farming .Politics
Formely part of
Ethiopia , in 1992 according to theUnited Nations Observer Mission to Verify the Referendum in Eritrea a total of 73,236 people out of 73,506 surveyed in the area had voted for Eritrea to become an independent nation [cite web|url=http://www.dehai.org/conflict/history/birth_of_a_nation.htm|title=Eritrea: Birth of a Nation|accessdate=2008-03-03] The park was under the administration ofGermano Nati .Geography
Settlements within the area with names giving testimony to the former Italian occupation of the area include
Arcugi ,Giamal Biscia which lie inside the park and the villages ofGeniti andAmeli lay outside the area to the south. The village ofAdendema lies at the north-east corner of the Gash-Setit.Further reading
*Bariagaber, Assefaw, 2006, " [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=RXmkdIIe-cAC&pg=PA148&lpg=PA148&dq=Gash-Setit&source=web&ots=Br8JXzJAUi&sig=Aj5rJoO2LYpmn20YndeB24AMjBE&hl=en#PPA148,M1 Conflict And the Refugee Experience: Flight, Exile, And Repatriation in the Horn of Africa] " Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
External links
* [http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=Gash-Setit&meta= Potential conflicts in the Gash-Setit by Alexander Naty] (Google entry no.7)
* [http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/mapcenter/map.aspx?TextLatitude=14.85873204361071&TextLongitude=37.00952374167299&TextAltitude=8&TextSelectedEntity=9397310&MapStyle=Comprehensive&MapSize=Large&MapStyleSelectedIndex=0&searchText]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.