

lake_name = Fatburen
image_lake =
caption_lake =
image_bathymetry =
caption_bathymetry =
coords = coord|59|13|58|N|18|17|30|E|region:SE_type:waterbody_scale:10000|display=inline,title
location = Stockholm
type =
inflow = Albysjön
outflow = Kalvfjärden
catchment =
basin_countries = Sweden
length =
width =
area = 0.030 km³
depth = 1.9 m
max-depth = 5.0 m
volume = 0.895 km³
residence_time =
shore =
elevation = 13.7 m
islands =
cities = Tyresö
reference = Södertörnsekologerna] SMHI, "Sjödjup och sjövolym"]

Fatburen is a small lake in Tyresö Municipality, south-east of central Stockholm, Sweden. It is the last and easternmost lake within the Tyresån Lake System.

The lake is roughly triangular in shape with its inflow from Albysjön in the southern corner, and its outflow to Kalvfjärden in the north-eastern corner. It is separated from Albysjön by the peninsula Rävnäset, a municipal nature reserve covering 27 ha.Tyresö Municipality, "Rävnäset"] It contains a wide range of rare species and is together with the nature and park surrounding Tyresö Palace one of the best locales for bats.Tyresö Municipality, "Naturinventering 1998"] South-east of the lake is the residential area Solberga.

In summers, the lake is part of a popular walk for visitors attracted by the Tyresö Palace and its surroundings.SNF, "Tyresö slott och Nyfors"] In winters, the lake is popular for ice fishing.Tyresö Municipality, "Tyresåns sjösystem"]

There are 21 species of vascular plants by the lake which in itself contains 9-13 aquatic plants, a relatively high biodiversity within the lake system. Common fishes include Perch, Pike, and Zander.Sportfiskarna, "Sportfiskekortet"]

Notwithstanding its eutrophication, the presence of Stoneworts in Fatburen indicates the waters have a relatively high visibility, which, considering it is the last lake in the lake system, is surprising.



* cite web
url = http://www.sodertornsekologerna.org/vattenvaxt0330_20031210_text_tab7_tab8.pdf
title = Vattenväxter i sjöarna på Södertörn och i angränsande områden samt uppbyggnad av en sjödatabas
publisher = Södertörnekologerna | pages = Appendix 7, p 2
accessdate = 2008-02-23 | language = Swedish

* cite web
url = http://www.smhi.se/content/1/c6/03/14/53/attatchments/sjodjup_och_sjovolym.pdf
title = Sjödjup och sjövolym
publisher = SMHI | language = Swedish
accessdate = 2008-03-02 | date = 199-10-29
("Lake depth and lake volume")
* cite web
url = http://www.tyreso.se/templates/Page____2144.aspx#Fatburen3
title = Tyresåns sjösystem | publisher = Tyresö Municipality
accessdate = 2008-03-02 | language = Swedish

* cite web
url = http://www.svenskafiskevatten.se/stockholm/modules.php?name=Content&op=showcontent&id=537
title = Sportfiskekortet | publisher = SportFiskarna
accessdate = 2008-03-03 | language = Swedish

* cite web
url = http://www2.snf.se/snf/naturguider/stockholm/omraden/tyreso/tyresoslott.htm
title = Tyresö slott och Nyfors
publisher = Svenska naturskyddsföreningen (SNF, Swedish Nature Preservation Society)
accessdate = 2008-03-03 | language = Swedish

* cite web
url = http://www.tyreso.se/templates/Page____4666.aspx
title = Rävnäset
publisher = Tyresö Municipality | language = Swedish
accessdate = 2008-03-03 | date = 2007-07-05

* cite web
url = http://www.tyreso.se/upload/attachments/natur.pdf
title = Naturinventering 1998
publisher = Tyresö Municipality
accessdate = 2008-03-03 | language = Swedish

External links

* cite web
url = http://tyresan.se/pdf/sjodjup/alby_fatb.pdf
title = Bathymetric map of Fatburen and albysjön
publisher = Tyresö Municipality / Tyresån Collaboration
date = 1965 (?) | accessdate = 2008-03-03
language = Swedish

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