

Kuli-kuli is a Hausa food that is primarily made from peanut. It is a popular snack in Nigeria and often eaten with meals such as Garri, Kamu, and sometimes ground and put into salad.

To make the food, peanuts are roasted and then ground to a paste. The paste is then mixed with spices, salt, and sometimes ground pepper. With the use of water, the paste is striped of excess oil, and then made into the desired shape (round balls, cylinders, flat round). The oil removed in the process is then heated and used to fry the shaped peanut paste until it solidifies. It is then removed from the oil and let to cool down until ready to be eaten.


* [http://www.onlinenigeria.com/links/Recipesadv.asp?blurb=452 www.onlinenigeria.com/]
* [http://www.recipeland.com/recipe/13147/ recipeland.com]

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