Uptown Munich

Uptown Munich

Infobox Skyscraper
building_name= Hochhaus Uptown München

location= Georg-Brauchle-Ring, Munich, Bavaria, Germany
roof= 479 ft (146 m)
height_stories= 37
construction_period= 2001 - 2004
use= Office
floor_area= 540,350 square feet (50,200 m²)
architect= Architekturbüro Ingenhoven, Overdiek
developer= Hines
The Uptown Munich building (German: Hochhaus Uptown München) in Munich is with a height of 146 meters currently the highest skyscraper of the city.

It was planned by the architects Ingenhoven, Overdiek (Düsseldorf) and completed within three years in 2004. The cuboid structure has been much disputed. In November 2004, a referendum was held to decide whether the construction of high-rise buildings in the inner city should be prohibited; as a result of the referendum, several building projects had to be changed substantially or given up completely. However, as of 2006, due to the very close result of the referendum and because the referendum's result was binding only for one year, there is an ongoing discussion in the city council on how to proceed with future building plans.

The current tenant of the building is O2.


External links

* [http://www.uptownmuenchen.de/ Internet site Uptown München]

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